“Yeah, he would make an appearance every few months,” I say with a shrug as I watch his reaction. His face changes from confused to angry to worried.
“He’s been with you this whole time! Did he ever hurt you?”
I look at my hands, then squeeze Dom’s under the table, knowing he’ll understand my need for his assistance.
“Yes,” Dom says, picking up on my plea for help. “Unfortunately, he’s been sexually assaulting her for years.”
“What?” he asks through gritted teeth as his entire face turns red with anger. I lean against Atlas as the look my dad is giving me is full of rage and even though it’s not directed at me, it’s terrifying. “I’m going to kill that son of a bitch,” he spits out.
“I should have taken you and run.”
“It’s not your fault, dad. It’s his and hers.”
“There’s more,” Dom adds, and my dad looks at him, his eyes narrowing.
“Tell me,” he demands.
“Helen—A few weeks ago, she attacked Mina. She almost killed her. We found her covered in stab wounds, her stomach slashed open, and her finger cut off,” Dom finishes the worst part of the story and my stomach rolls hearing my injuries listed off like that.
My dad just stares at us, fuming for a minute as he clearly wrestles with what to say. “I just need a minute. I’ll be right back.”
“Take your time,” Dom tells him as we watch him head to the bathroom.
Atlas wraps his arm around me and kisses my head. “You did good, Malishka. I’m proud of you.”
“How are you feeling?” Jasper asks.
“I’m not sure,” I answer honestly. “It’s almost like everything I’ve ever known is different. Not exactly a lie, but like I never had the full picture before. I… I don’t know what to think or how to feel. He wanted me this whole time, but if he didn’t leave, then I wouldn’t have been taken.”
“You don’t have to sort out your emotions right now. You don’t ever have to sort them if you don’t want to. Try not to stress and just give yourself permission to feel whatever you're feeling. There is no wrong emotion here,” Gideon tells me, and I nod in response.
My dad comes back to the table and sits down, sighing. He seems much calmer now, the anger drained from his face and a mask of calm there instead. “Mina,” he starts, looking at his hands folded on the table. “I don’t even know what to say right now. I can never apologize enough for leaving you. It’s the biggest regret of my life. I don’t expect you toever forgive me, but I think you should come back home with me. I can protect you now.”
What?He wants me to live with him? I know he’s my dad, but it never even crossed my mind that I might be leaving this diner with him. Was that something I wanted? Staring across the room at this stranger, I realize that I don’t even know him. Fifteen years have passed since I last saw him. Maybe we could build a relationship in the future, but I don’t want to start our relationship off with me having to lean on him for support.
I already had support that I knew came without any restrictions or guidelines, and if it was a matter of who I trust most, hands down, it was my guys.
I realize the guys are all quiet, and I notice them all watching me nervously as I debate my answer.
“I’m sorry dad, but I can’t go with you.”
“Why not?” he asks angrily.
“Because I already have a home.”
Max is the first one to offer me a huge smile, and I see the relief on the other faces as well. Everyone’s but my dads.
He turns his gaze to the men around me. “What’s going on here? I’ll not have my daughter used by the likes of you. What are your intentions here? Is this just about catching the killer?”
My eyes widen as he takes on a protective, angry father tone.
“Sir, I assure you we have her best intentions at heart,” Tucker states and Max cuts in.
“We would never use her or harm her!”
“We care about her, and quite frankly, our relationship is none of your business, sir,” Gideon adds, surprising me.
They start a yelling match back and forth with my dad, and I start to tune out their words. My dad and the guys are all arguing about who gets to take care of me. I’ve never had one person care about me before, let alone eight. I feel so loved right now, but it’s such a foreign feeling, I don’t know how to process it. It can’t last. I’m not meant to feel happy like this for such an extended period, and I feel like my body wants to reject it.