“Okay this is good timing then, it will work straight away for you.”
I felt nervous about getting birth control, and didn’t want the guys to know. They might think that I see our relationship as something bigger than it is. The truth was, I had no idea what we were to each other. Most of them were very touchy feely with me, and a few had crossed over that line of friendship. But they hadn’t so much as had a conversation with me about it, to tell why they didn’t want anything more. I had a feeling it’s because there are seven of them and one of me.
Regardless, getting this implant feels like the first thing I’m doing that’s in my control. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to have kids, and frankly, I’m not even sure if I want them. I’ve never considered being a parent before. And right now, that’s the last thing on my mind.
I want to experience life and see what's out there. Hopefully with the company of seven very specific men.
When we get home, I change into a new set of matching underwear and bra that I found in my dresser last week. Then I head into my bathroom to get a good look at where the stitches had been. My wounds are completely sealed shut now, no risk of reopening, according to the doctor, which is a good thing. I also have full use of my arms again, although I am supposed to take it easy and not carry anything heavy for a while.
I’m so excited to finally be off of bed rest and be able to move around the house. I’m so bored of being stuck up here all day for the past two weeks. Don’t get me wrong, the guys have taken amazing care of me thewhole time, but they’re starting to drive me nuts. There are certain questions they keep evading, like what Dom does for a living, how exactly they all ended up together, or why they chose this town to live in when none of them grew up here. They keep telling me they’ll explain when I’m feeling better.
I care deeply for all seven of them. It’s something I’ve started to realize over these past two weeks as they visit and chat with me. I’ve learned about their interests and gotten to know each of them on a deeper level. The more I find out about them, the more I like them. I thought I’d start to develop deeper feelings for one of them over the others, but it hasn’t happened like that. No, my big, stupid heart wants all of them. Even Gideon, who hasn’t been spending any alone time with me.
“Kitten, what are you doing down here?” Dom asks as I step into the kitchen. He has to stop calling me that, it does things to me. My core pulses every time he says it.
“I’m healed. I can walk down the stairs on my own now,” I tell him, trying to sound strong, but I can hear the fear in my own voice. I’m afraid he will make me stay in my room. Or worse, now I’m healed, would he make me leave?
He turns towards me. “Show me your hand.”
I give him my hand first, and he inspects it like he does every day. My finger is slightly limited in its movement, but considering it was completely severed, it’s functioning really well. The scar is pretty big though, and I don’t think it will ever disappear completely.
“Alright, and your stomach.”
I lift up my shirt a bit to show him my abdomen. I’m wearing a loose pink T-shirt and a short purple skirt that’s soft on my fingers. He trails his finger over the mark, making me shiver, then uses one finger to slowlypush down the top edge of my skirt to get a better look, making my breath hitch.
When his finger moves so low that the top of my pink lacy panties shows, I swallow my breath and glance up at him. They bought me all these pretty things, and I’m suddenly very happy I changed. They make me feel more confident and it feels good to feel pretty for once. This particular pair of panties is a thong, so it kinda feels like I’m naked under the skirt. By the look in Dom’s eyes, he might know that. Maybe he even chose this pair.
“How are you feeling?” he asks, his finger unmoving.
“Fine. Good,” I whisper, afraid of him moving closer but also afraid of him moving away.
“You know, Kitten, we see how patient you’ve been with us since you got home. I know you don’t fully understand what’s going on here and you’ve been a good girl to wait for us. We needed you to heal. Your safety is the most important thing. You understand?”
“Not really.” His words make my core tighten. Praise from him is like a ray of sunshine on my face for the first time in weeks.
He smiles. “Come.” He holds his hand out and I take it as he leads me over to the couch. He has me sit beside him, and we turn to face each other. He holds my hand in his and runs his thumb over it, back and forth.
“I want to ask you something, okay?” I nod.
“You were unexpected. Never before have I felt the instant connection I had with you when you walked into our house. Every moment I’ve spent with you since, those feelings have grown. You’re smart, sweet, kind, and beautiful, and I can’t help myself from falling in love with you.”
I inhale sharply at his confession, mirroring my own thoughts.He loves me?
“I feel like ‘love’ is too small a word for the bond we share, but I want—no, I need—to make you mine, ours. Will you let me call you my girlfriend?”
I gasp. I did not expect that. I just came to the conclusion that they didn’t want anything, and now this.What about the others?I can’t forget them, and I can’t choose Dom over them.
“What do you mean by ‘ours’?” I ask carefully.
He smiles at my question.
“Well, Kitten, let’s just say that if you wanted to pursue something with my brothers too, I would be okay with that. As long as it’s only them, and no others. That goes for us too, we wouldn’t date any other women, just you.”
Could he really be asking for my exact dream right now?
“But I’m not asking for my brothers, I’m asking for me. Mina, Kitten. Please say you’ll be mine.”
I stare at him with my jaw hanging open like an idiot. I’m not sure this can be actually happening right now, I must be dreaming, right? But as I stare into his pale blue eyes and see the hope there, only one word comes to mind.