The next morning, after the four of them have left for school, I find myself bored and lonely. Ben, Atlas and Dom work from home, but I find myself missing them. Dom slipped into my bedroom last night without a word, wrapping himself around me like he did that first night. I waited for him to say something, but I found myself drifting off to sleep before I could build up the courage to ask him to clarify what he has meant the other night.
Being left alone so much reminds me of being back at my old home. Sure, from the moment the twins get home from school, until they tell me it’s bedtime, I have at least two of them with me all evening. But throughout the night, I’m alone, and I’m constantly tossing and turning. Memories of my past abusers flashing in my head.
During the day, the flashbacks aren’t as bad, but it doesn’t stop my mind from wandering. As far as I know, they’re all still out there somewhere. Will they come looking for me? Will they be able to find me here? I hate to think of what they’d do if they found me here. That thought sends a shiver down my spine.
“Malishka?” I glance at the doorway and see Atlas frowning back at me. “What’s wrong?” he asks, as he comes and sits on the edge of my bed, taking my hand in his.
“Nothing,” I say with a shrug.
“You shivered, are you cold?” He rubs my hand between his as he waits for an answer.
“No, I’m fine,” I tell him as my eyes drop to look at his large hands surrounding my little one.
“Okay, do you need anything?”
Should I tell him that I’m lonely? That I need company to distract me? I don’t want him to think I’m pathetic.
“Malishka, tell me what you need,” he demands, obviously being able to see right through me.
“I…. was wondering if you would stay in here with me for a bit. I’m bored of tv and…”
“And I miss you,” I tell him honestly.
He smiles at my response and brushes a finger down my cheek. “I’ve been home with you every day,” he tells me with a small smile.
“Yes, but you aren’t in here with me, you’re working. Will you tell me what your work is? What do you do all day?” I ask, feeling a little frustrated that they always skirt the subject.
“Well, I’m in security. I set up security systems and consult on the best ways to secure places, people, or things.”
I nod, at least he told me something this time. “How do you do that from home?”
“A lot of it involves research into what needs securing. Then I look into options for the best ways to do that.”
“What are you securing right now?”
He laughs a little as his eyes sweep over my face. “Right now, nothing. I can spend the day with you if you like?”
I beam at him and nod eagerly.
He settles on the bed beside me. “Well, what would you like to do?”
Deciding that truth or dare is too dangerous to play with these guys anymore, I decide to go another route.
“I’d like to get to know you better. We could take turns asking each other questions?” I ask nervously, my fingers playing with my blanket.
He gives me a crooked grin. “Yeah? You want to know more about me, Malishka?”
I nod, and he smiles, gripping my hand. “Okay… favorite color?”
“Green… but pink is a close second now. You?”
“Do you have any tattoos?” I’ve seen them peeking out from under his shirt, but I’m hoping he’ll open up and tell me about them.
“Want to see?” he asks, and I nod eagerly. He sits up and pulls his shirt off with one hand, making my mouth water at the sight of him. I forgot how huge he is.