Page 27 of Silent Betrayal

Once I’m wet, everywhere but my head, he grabs a big fluffy looking thing and squirts some soap on it, holds it under the faucet for a moment, then starts scrubbing my body gently. His eyes keep darting between where he’s washing me and my face. He’s careful to avoid my wounds and uses a soft cloth to clean those areas with the utmost care.

When my front is done, Max spins me around and holds me against him as Jasper starts washing my back. With my hands trapped between us, my fingers can’t help but press into his chest. I look up at Max, who’s smiling down at me. He gives me a wink, which makes me blush and duck my head. He laughs, kissing the top of my head and rubbing my back as Jasper finishes up.

The entire process feels very intimate, and by the time my body has been washed, I’m tingling with anticipation, wishing Jasper would wash me in other places, too.

“Alright, time to wash your hair, tilt your head back,” Jasper instructs. “Close your eyes and keep them closed so you don’t get any shampoo in your eyes.”

From the moment he pours the water over my hair, I’m in absolute bliss. This definitely beats washing my hair in the sink. And as his fingersstart massaging my scalp, working the shampoo into my hair, I can’t stop the moan from escaping my lips.

I’ve never felt anything so all-consuming and relaxing before. His fingers continue massaging as Max whispers, “I’m going to kiss you now, Sweetheart.”

My eyes fly open. His face is tilted down towards mine, his green eyes filled with heat as his lips move closer. I lick mine in anticipation and he seems to take that as permission as he gently inches forward, giving me every chance to turn my head or pull away.

But I don’t. I let him press his lips to mine and a moan of relief and happiness escapes me. My hands move around his back as I try to get closer to him. He places one hand to my hair and the other on my ass, making me moan even louder.

Kissing Max makes every part of my body light up at once. He kissed me at the hospital, and I wasn’t sure if it was just to get me to move my fingers, but he has no reason to do it now, other than he wants to, which makes this so much more special. There’s something about the way our wet, almost naked bodies slide together that has me lifting a leg to wrap around him, making him groan as he pulls back and rests his forehead against mine.

“I’m sorry, Sweetheart, we need to calm down or I’m going to do something I regret.”He would regret going further with me?

Other hands turn me and my eyes meet Jasper’s heated gaze. Of course Max wanted us to stop, we were making out in front of his brother. I open my mouth to apologize, but Jasper suddenly steps forward, pressing his lips to mine. I freeze for a second before melting into him.

His kiss is slower than Max’s, but just as amazing. His tongue directs mine as they dance together, and when Max’s arms wrapsaround me from behind, I whimper as that warm feeling inside me intensifies. My hands reach up to Jasper’s chest and I realize that at some point he got partially naked, too.

I want to explore his body, but as my hands start to roam his chest, he grabs my wrists gently and pulls back. “We need to stop, Angel,” he says, breathing as heavily as I am. “Trust me, I don’t want to, but we can’t do this right now.”

I wanted to ask questions.Why not? Does that mean we could do it later? Did he not care that I had just kissed Max? Would he care that Dom spent the night in my bed?But I felt breathless and unable to speak as I stare up into his handsome face.

So instead, I let them finish washing my hair, then help me wash my face. They towel dry me and leave me to change into a new set of clothes, a shorts and t-shirt pink pajama set with cute little bunnies on them. I‘m not sure who picked them out for me, but they are adorable.

Once I’m dressed, they sit me on the bed and together they dry and brush my hair. I love the way they are taking care of me, even if they did put their clothes back on to do it.

“Alright, how about a movie marathon? We thought you might like to watch the Harry Potter movies?” Max asks.

“What’s that?” I rasp out, taking a drink to soothe my throat.

“You’ve never heard of it? It’s a famous book series that was made into a bunch of movies. It’s about a boy who thinks he’s a normal human and turns out to have magic, so he goes to a school for magical people. You’ll love it!”

As they get me situated back in bed, the other five guys enter my room, making me smile. Something about each of them helps to lift my spirit.And being around all seven of them soothes me in a way I’ve never felt before.

Everyone takes up seats around me as Ben and Tucker hand out bowls of popcorn to everyone.

Max was right, these movies are amazing. But watching these characters attend their classes reminds me of mine. I’m not sure what’s going on with it now. I’m twenty-one, and I really don’t want to go back there. I wasn’t learning anything in the actual classes, anyway. Is there another way to get my diploma?

Would the guys be disappointed in me for not wanting to go back to school? I glance around as everyone watches the movie, trying to gather the nerve to speak up.

When I finally manage to speak, it’s barely a whisper over the sound of the tv. “I don’t want to go back there.” Max pauses the movie as all eyes turn to me.

“What did you say?” Jasper asks, as I bite my lip nervously.

“I—” I start coughing and a straw is placed against my lips. I drink greedily until my throat is soothed, then try again. “I don’t want to go back.”

“Back where?” Ben asks.

“To school.”

“Then you don’t have to go back,” Dom says, tossing a piece of popcorn into his mouth like it’s the easiest answer in the world.

My eyebrows rise and my mouth opens, but nothing comes out. That wasn’t what I was expecting. I close my mouth, wet my lips, then try again. “Really? You wouldn’t be… disappointed in me?”