Now it’s his turn to look confused.
“No. I mean, we won’t let Brad anywhere near you, but I’m talking about Jeff. He’s—”
I shake my head, then hiss when it hurts. Dom gently rubs my temples, pulling me back against his chest. “Shh, take it easy, Kitten. Take a second and type when you’re ready, we’ll wait.” Max nods his agreement, pressing his lips together, obviously wanting to speak more, but willing to wait for me.
I take a few deep breaths as the pain in my head eases. Do they think Jeff is the one that did that to me? But then, where was my mother?
My hand is getting tired from typing, and Dom seems to notice as he takes the phone and holds it for me. He uses his other hand to hold my right wrist, so I just have to move my fingers to type.
“Jeff didn’t do this. It was my mom.”
You could hear a pin drop in the silence that follows. I glance around to make sure they heard the app properly and see a mix of confused and stunned faces.
“Your mother did all of that on her own?” Jasper asks, and I nod.
“Why?” Atlas growls out.
“The principal called her about Brad. She blames me. Said I was whoring myself out so he’d rescue me.”
“What the actualfuck?” Max spits out.
“Son of a bitch!” Tucker growls, pushing his fingers through his strawberry blond hair.
“Rescue you from what, Malishka?” Atlas asks, his face unmoving as I turn to look at him.
I take a deep breath before typing my answer.“Everything.”
He moves to take Gideon’s place on my left side, stroking my face gently as he stares deeply into my eyes. My insides light up at his unwavering attention, making me squirm against Dom.
“Your mother hurt you before?” he asks. I nod.
“A lot?” Another nod.
“Do you know why?”
“It’s my fault my father left.”
“You know that’s not true though, right?”
I shake my head, and his frown deepens.
“It’s not. She’s a psychopath, and probably a murderer. Nothing that happened to you was your fault,” he says firmly.
I decide to finally tell them the truth I’ve been hiding and let it all out, all the insecurities that plague me, even if they drive them away.
“I deserved it. I’m evil, I have a demon inside me. I’m worthless, trash. I don’t deserve kindness, affection, or love. I attract sin, and it’s my fault that those around me cause me pain. I shouldn’t even exist.”
The tears stream down my cheeks as the app speaks my words, and I wait for them to leave me now that I’ve told them the truth.
When nobody says anything, I peek up. Atlas looks furious. Half the guys start swearing, and something bangs on the ground, making me jump.
Dom growls in my ear, dropping the phone and holding me tight. “Now you listen to us, and you listen good. Every word you just saidis untrue. Your mother told you those things to manipulate you. She wanted you to feel bad so she could feel better.”
Atlas picks up the conversation. “You are sweet and kind and worthy of love.”
Gideon squeezes my arm, pulling my attention to him. “Every time you enter a room, my heart lights up. You have so much goodness in you, you makemefeel unworthy of being withyou.”
Tucker moves closer and leans in to touch my cheek as he adds, “you’re so much more than just worthy. I feel like someone as bright and perfect as you couldn’t possibly even notice someone like me, but you do. You see me.”