Page 119 of Silent Betrayal

“You’re shot?” Atlas roars.

It’s then I remember his gun firing when I tackled him. My whole body hurt when I hit the ground and it all happened so fast, I hadn’t even noticed I’d been shot.

Something is pressed to my side as everyone starts yelling. The pain intensifies and I hiss as I’m lowered backwards, my head in Jasper’s lap. The loss of blood starts to make me light-headed as Jasper strokes my hair. “Stay with us, Angel.”

“I love you guys.” I cough and taste blood in my mouth.

“Kitten, hang in there. This isn’t over yet, you’re not going anywhere,” Dom tells me firmly.

“Malishka, look at me.” It takes me a few slow blinks to turn my head towards Atlas, but I can’t keep my eyes open and they drift shut.

“Malishka, you are going to fight as hard as you can to stay with me. To stay with us. You promised. And you can’t break that promise. You hear me? Baby??” That’s the last thing I hear before the darkness consumes me.


I’m laying in a field of clouds. I move my fingers and feel the thickness of it through my fingertips.

“Is this heaven?” I ask.

“Hey, Kitten?” I turn my head and see Dom sitting beside me. I give him a huge smile.

“Dom! When did you get here?”

“Baby, you need to hold on, okay? Don’t go.” I frown at him, not sure what he means, and when I reach up to touch him, he disappears.


“Malishka.” I turn my head quickly and sit up as I find Atlas on my other side.

“Atlas, I missed you!”

“You promised me.”

“Promised you what?”

“Promised you’d fight for us, don’t give up on me now.”

“I don’t understand I—”

“Princess, I’m so sorry.” I’m interrupted by Ben appearing in front of me at the same time Atlas disappears.

“Why? You didn’t do anything wrong.” I tell him.

“You got taken right out from under us… again.”

“Oh, Ben…” I reach up to console him and my hand goes through him and he disappears like he was made of a cloud.

“Love?” I turn and see Gideon laying on the ground beside me with his hands behind his head.

“Gideon? What’s going on?” I ask, biting my lip in confusion and fear.

He sighs. “This wasn’t supposed to happen again. We were supposed to protect you. I don’t blame you for wanting to leave us. It’s just that I don’t think any of us will survive if you leave now.” My eyes start to get wet as tears roll down my cheeks.

“Gideon, don’t go, everyone keeps leaving, I need you!” I try to touch him, but like the rest of them, he drifts away like the wind, fading to nothing.

“Oh, Sugar. We have to stop meeting like this.” Tucker appears sitting in front of me with his legs crossed.

“Cowboy, where am I? Did I—Did I die?” I ask, my breath catching on the last word.