“Of course, let’s start with everyone offering up ideas, I’ll type them out, no bad ideas right now. Then we can go back through the list and talk about how each would play out.”
Two hours later, with bellies full of pizza, we’ve had a dozen ideas, but nothing seems right.
“Okay, we know who he is and what type of victim he goes after. But we don’t know exactly why. We don’t know where he stays or even if he’s still in town.” Dom starts laying out the facts. “As for Helen. We know she has held her son in high regard while keeping her daughter under lock and key. But what is her goal in all of this? Why is she helping him and why does she reallyhate Mina so much?”
“Paul,” Ben says, and we all look at him. “Him leaving was the catalyst for everything.”
“I need to talk to him,” Mina says, surprising me, as she stares at the floor.
“Mina, are you sure? You don’t have to.”
She looks up at me and nods once. “It’s time. I need to do it at some point, anyway. May as well get it over with and possibly get some information from him. If he turns out to be as horrible as the rest of my family…” She trails off, obviously unsure what she’ll actually do if that’s the case.
“Then you’ll be right where you are now, with us as your family,” Atlas says, staring at her intently.
“Okay, if you’re sure? I’ll make the call,” Dom asks her.
“Actually, I think I should be the one to call, if that’s okay with you?” she asks shyly. This girl continued to amaze me. She wasn’t even talking three weeks ago, and now she’s going to call a father she didn’t even realize was still alive, unknowing what his reaction is going to be.
“Of course. Out here or in the office?”
She thinks for a second before answering. “Here.”
He nods and his phone rings before he even pulls it out.
“Chief?” he answers. “What is it?” He looks surprised at whatever he hears in response.
“What? Uh huh…. Yeah… Okay… Thanks, bye.”
He takes a second to collect himself, then looks around at us, his gaze landing on Mina.
“It’s Brad. He’s dead.”
She gasps, her hand flying to cover her mouth in surprise.
“He was released on bail this morning and they found him dead on the side of the road. He was stabbed and strangled.” Her eyes go wide with fear as the others let out a series of curses.
“Was it Simon?” Mina asks worriedly.
“I don’t know, but it’s likely,” Dom says with a frown.
“Why would he change his MO like that? It can’t be a coincidence that Brad attacked her and ended up dead,” Max asks.
“If he’s doing it for Mina, because Brad hurt her, then why isn’t her mom dead?” Jasper adds.
“Maybe she is,” Tucker says with a shrug.
“It’s probably a sexual thing. Her mother didn’t assault her like that, but Brad did,” I say, giving her a sympathetic glance.
“Doesn’t that mean you guys are at risk then too?” she asks, her eyes bouncing around the room.
Nobody says anything as we think about her question. Brad’s advances weren’t wanted. That could be the difference. Or he just doesn’t know about us yet. But the twins have been showering her with affection at the school since day one. Is he just biding his time until he goes after us?
Nobody has much else to add, so we decide to leave it for now.
“Are you ready to call Paul?” Ben asks her. We aren’t sure if she’s ready to call him dad yet or if she ever will, he’s been missing from her life for fifteen years.
She nods and Dom dials the number Ben found, then hands her the phone.