I type out my response and press speak.“I met him just after we moved here.”
The guys exchange confused glances, so I type something else.
“I guess it’s possible he’s been around longer since I was always kept in the basement.”
Chapter nine
My brows furrow, like my brain can’t comprehend what she just said.
“Did you say you’ve been kept in the basement?” She looks at me and nods. “As in… you’ve been locked down there?” I ask in clarification and she nods again.
“Fuck,” Atlas growls as he starts pacing the room, he pulls out his pocketknife and starts spinning it in palm, trying to calm his frustration and probably stop himself from punching a hole in the wall or throwing something.
“That bucket, did you have to…” Jasper asks before trailing off, making my horrified eyes move to hers.
She swallows heavily and nods, looking worried about our response.
“She made you pee in a bucket?” I ask in horror. My worry is confirmed when she nods again.
We all saw that basement we found her in. It was dirty and cold and not a place someone should be living. She didn’t even have a real bed, just a broken, flimsy excuse for a mattress on the floor. I look at Jasper and we exchange determined gazes. We already made her new room comfortable for her, but now I know she hasn’t had one since she was six years old, I’m more determined than ever to make it extra special for her somehow.
“Don’t worry, Sugar, you’ll never have to stay in a place like that ever again,” Tucker tells her softly as he continues to run his fingers across the back of her hand and up her arm in a soothing motion. She tries to readjust herself in Dom’s lap and ends up grimacing.
“What is it? What hurts?” Tucker asks worriedly. She motions to her left shoulder before pointing to everywhere else, then shrugging with a quirk of her lip. “It just pulled on the wound a bit, but it’s better now?” Tucker asks to confirm and she nods.
The door opens and her doctor steps in. He sees Mina is awake and offers a friendly smile. “Ah, so it’s true! Sleeping beauty is awake!” He moves to her left side as Tucker slips out of the way. He gives Dom a funny smile, but doesn’t ask him to move from where he’s still seated behind her.
“My name is Dr. Whitmere. I’ve been in charge of your case since you arrived about two weeks ago. I need to ask you a couple questions, Mina, is that alright?”
She nods, and he smiles warmly at her. He is a bit of a stickler for the rules, but this sixty-year-old man seems to be a decent doctor. He reaches out to pick up her left hand and slowly starts removing the bandage.
“Do you remember what happened to cause all these injuries?” She nods. “Are you feeling confused or light-headed at all?”
She glances at Ben and he holds his phone out for her again, and she begins to type.
“My head hurts a bit, but I’m not dizzy or confused.”The phone tells us out loud.
“Do you know all the other men in this room right now?” Her eyes dart to each of us as she nods her head.
“And which one is your boyfriend?” Her eyes dart to mine and a huge grin splits my face. I wasn’t sure if she had heard me claiming myself as her boyfriend yesterday, but I’m definitely pleased she did. I wonder if she thinks I was joking. I wasn’t.
Her face turns red and her jaw drops open as she looks at the doctor in shock.
He chuckles at her reaction. “Ah, I see, I see, just as I suspected,” he says right before he finishes taking the bandage off and all of our attention is now solely on her left hand, or more specifically, her ring finger.
“It’s healing very well. I’m going to need your help to see how bad the damage is. Are you ready? It might hurt.” She nods and Dom holds her a bit tighter as she grips Ben with her right hand.
“Alright, I want you to gently try wiggling all your fingers.” I narrow my focus on her fingers, not daring to blink and miss it. But nothing happens and she frowns. “That’s okay, it could take some time. The fact that none of your fingers are moving is a good thing. If the rest of your fingers moved, and not that one, it could mean it was badly damaged. Take your time and keep trying, alright?” He stays there patiently waiting. Two of her fingers twitch, but nothing else. She looks frustrated and sad, and I can’t stand to see her upset, so I move around to stand beside the doctor.
“Hey doc, you mind if I try something?” I ask him, motioning for her hand.
“As long as you’re gentle, by all means.” He gives me her hand and steps back. I sit on the side of her bed and bring her hand up to my cheek, placing my own hand over it to hold it in place.
“You know, Sweetheart, I think I may have been too patient with you.” She frowns, and I continue. “I had to witness you kiss my own brotherwhile I waited patiently for my turn with you. Then you go and get hurt before I get a chance. But now I’m your boyfriend, I think it’s my right to get your first kiss as a free woman. Wouldn’t you agree?” I ask her with a raised eyebrow.
“Y-you want me to be your g-girlfriend?” she stutters out in her raspy voice.
I drop the act and lean a bit towards her, cupping her face with my free hand.