“Alright, Kitten, one last gift,” Dom says, grabbing the last box of the desk.
“There’s another one! I forgot! I’m not sure how you could possibly top a puppy, though!” I laugh, watching Daisy, who’s running around the other side of the desk now. I giggle and turn back to see my seven guys all in a line, down on one knee. My eyes go wide as my heart practically leaps into my throat.
Dom’s in the middle with a small box in his hand, open, showing a beautiful sparkly ring.
I gasp and bring my hands to my mouth.
“Kitten, we love you more than anything in the entire world. Make us the happiest men in the world and say you’ll marry us. Say you’ll be our wife?”
Tears fill my eyes, and never in my life have I been more pleased to be able to speak than at this moment.
The End
“Are you sure you’re up for this today, Mina?” I ask as I pull her into my lap and turn us to my computer screens.
“Yep, I want to get this over with, this is the last one,” she says confidently, making me smile as I click on the folder containing the photos.
“You know the drill, you tell me when you recognize someone.” She nods her head and I start scrolling through the images of men, my hand firmly planted under her shirt, on her stomach.
This is the fifth, and thankfully, final person we need to track down. It hadn’t sat well with us that there were other men out there that had hurt and touched our girl. With her agreement, we decided we needed to bring them to justice.
So with her help of names and places, we started the painstaking journey of looking through driver’s license photos of possible suspects. Some were easier to find than others, depending on what Mina knew about them. But we’d tracked down four of the five so far, only one more to go. And this one is definitely the hardest as she didn’t know the city she was in at the time she met him.
Mina thought we were handing the information over to the police. But we didn’t want to put her through all those trials. It was bad enough she had to go through Jeff’s and Paul’s. Jeff only got four years for what he did to her, but Paul, he was a convicted serial killer. Not only that butmany of his victims had been children, since their ages matched Mina’s throughout the past fifteen years.
Atlas said he could call in a favor and get him taken out in prison. But we decided being there was a worse punishment than death. Most inmates, although convicted criminals themselves, don't take well to child killers.
After seeing Jeff’s sentencing was only four years, we decided not to report them. Instead we gave their info toThe Undertakers. A group of assassins who work from the shadows to help clean up where the authorities' hands are tied.
We don’t know for certain that they killed the four men whose names and details I gave them through the dark web. But I do know that each of them have gone missing within a week of me uploading their names.
Is what we’re doing morally wrong? I like to think it’s not since we’re not doing any killing ourselves, as much as we might like to. But we don't want to drag Mina around as we hunt them down. Nor do we want their deaths to tie back to her in any way.
“There!” she exclaims, pointing to a photo on my screen. I read the name and smile. Well, Mr. Adam Daniels, looks like your timehas just run out.
“Max! Don’t you dare!” I say nervously, holding both palms out to him in the universal sign for stop. But it doesn’t stop him as he lunges for me, easily throwing me over his bare shoulder and he stomps towards the water.
“I’ll teach you to tease me!” he exclaims as we approach the lake.
“No, it’s too cold, please please! I’ll do anything!” I beg, trying to wiggle my way free from his grip on my thigh.
But he slaps my ass making me squeal. “Nope, you knew what you were getting yourself into every time your little hand grazed my cock.”
So maybe I had been overly flirty with him today. With all of them really. But I couldn’t help it, it was our third annual camping trip and something about being out in nature with them turns me on. Maybe because we always ended up having crazy hot camping sex. Or maybe it’s being surrounded by nature with no distractions. Or it could be seeing my seven ripped, handsome husbands chopping logs and pitching tents.
Whatever the reason, camping had become my favorite thing to do with them. The lingering looks, the constant touches. So when Max was tasked with cooking dinner tonight, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. Every time his eyes would meet mine I’d blush, wondering if he knows what I’m thinking. I kept making excuses to pass him, my hand or assaccidentallygrazing his groin, hoping he’d stop cooking and take me right then and there.
So when he said I knew what I was doing, he was right. But he didn’t do it when I was waiting for it. He waited for me to drop my guard before coming for me. I just didn’t think it would end with him throwing me in the lake. I thought it’d end with my back against the tree as he pounded into me.
Suddenly, I’m lowered into his arms and he smiles down at me mischievously. We’re standing at the edge of the lake and I grip his arms, hoping if he throws me in, at least I’ll take him with me.