Page 122 of Silent Betrayal

When we get to the kitchen, I whistle. “Wow, that is alotof food!” I tell them as they pile an enormous amount of food onto the kitchen table.

“Well, we’re celebrating!” Max tells me like it’s obvious.

“Celebrating what?”


“Oh…” He chuckles as Gideon helps me to a seat.

The guys pile their plates with food, after Atlas stacks mine with pancakes, bacon and sausages. We all eat as we talk and laugh about nothing in particular.

“Ok, I have to ask…” I start. This has been playing on my mind for a while now. “What happens next?” They exchange glances.

“The Officemarathon?” Max asks.

“Not what I meant…” I grumble.

“Well…” Dom starts. “You know we’ve been putting off work while you recovered. But now you’re better, we can get back to our business. I have a stack of jobs we can pick from.” This is what worried me. Where did that leave me? They made it clear I wasn’t leaving them, but what was I supposed to do while they worked?

“So, Kitten. What do you think? You want to help me choose our next case?” Dom asks me and my eyebrows shoot up.

“Me?!” I ask in surprise as they all chuckle.

“Yes, you. You’re part of this family, so that makes you part of the business. You can try different parts to see what you like. Ben can give you books or websites to learn about this stuff, or you can enroll in some online courses if you like.” At my stunned silence, he continues. “Of course you don’t have to be part of it if you don’t want to. You’ve probably had enough crime in your life. You can stay at home and keep us company.”

“Or you could take any course or program that interests you. We can find something online so there is no worry about moving around where our work takes us,” Gideon adds.

“Or maybe you could find a hobby or interest that you enjoy. Like knitting or baking?” Max suggests, and I look at him like he’s crazy.

“You think I’m going to sit at home knitting scarfs while you guys are out there solving crimes?”

“Uh, well… If that’s what you want?” Max says uncomfortably.

I try to hold in my laugh, but it’s impossible, and I burst out laughing, the others following my lead.

“Of course I would love to be part of your business!” A round of cheers and hugs goes around the room, and I can’t stop from smiling.

“Alright, now that’s settled, it’s time for your presents!” Tucker says, rubbing his hands together in glee.

“What!?” I perk up. “I get presents? Why?”

Ben laughs at my expression. “Princess, when was the last time you got a present?”

“Besides the ones you guys have already given me?” I ask, holding up my charm bracelet for them to see. It now contains charms for each of them, as Dom and Gideon didn’t like that I had nothing on there from then. Gideon gifted me with a charm in the shape of a book, and Dom’s was a lion. He said it represented bravery, for me, and dominance, for him.

“We have fifteen years of birthdays and holidays to make up for you,” Ben tells me as he leads me to the office down the hall. On the desk are six items. They range in size from a tiny one only about two inches big, to a couple envelopes, to one that is a couple feet wide.

I squeal in excitement. “They’re all for me?!”

“Yes, Kitten.” I go to dive in, but Dom wraps his arm around my waist, holding me back and pulling me to his chest.

“Hold on there, Kitten!” He laughs. “I didn’t think you’d be so excited by presents. I have to admit, I thought you would be a little weirded out.”

“Would you rather I was?”

“God, no! Now I can spoil you and not worry about it.”

I turn my head up to face him and pat his cheek. “Now let me go like a good boy so I can open my presents,” I demand. His eyes go wide.