I stand up and laugh. I’m not a stupid man. You don’t last as long as I have in this world without paying attention. When I asked her how those boys had found her, I knew she was lying. Now she has no watch or phone, they’ll never be able to find her in my cabin. We aren’t even in the same state anymore.
“Don’t worry, honey, I’ve made sure those boys won’t be able to find you. Now, it’s just you and me.”
“What? What do you mean? What do you want with me?” she asks in a panic as she pushes herself backwards on the bed, her back pressing against the wall.
“Honey, I just want to take care of you. You’re my little girl. My perfect little angel, and it’s my job to keep you that way.”
“I—I don’t understand. You just want to keep me in this place… forever? Where are we?”
“We’re in a remote cabin. There’s nothing else around for miles in any direction and we have enough supplies to last us years. I’ve been planning this for a long time.”
“Honey, don’t you get it? I’ve been searching for my little girl for years. Ever since I lost you. I knew when I got you back, I’d need to take extreme measures to keep you safe. Everyone who looks at you can see how beautiful and perfect you are. Some want to break you for it, like Helen, and some want to possess you, to keep you to themselves, like those boys of yours.”
“Isn’t that what you’re doing? Trying to keep me to yourself?” she asks accusingly.
“No, I’m trying to protect you from those who wish to harm you or own you.”
“Dad, I was safe with them. I love them. What you’re doing… This isn’t right.”
I stand up quickly, scowling as I point down at her. “You are the child here.I’mthe parent, and you will listen to what I say. Do you understand, young lady?!”
She nods quickly, her eyes wide with fear.
I need to fix that. Can’t have her scared of me.No, this won’t do.
“Come sit on the edge of the bed, let me brush your hair,” I say, grabbing her hairbrush from a drawer. When she doesn’t move, I yell. “Mina! Now!” She jumps as I yell, but quickly does as I say, making me relax as I sit behind her and gently brush her hair.
“See, isn’t this nice?” I say in a soft tone, trying to soothe her.
When she doesn’t answer, I grip her neck firmly as I yell, “I asked you a question!”
“Yes!” she squeaks out, and I release my grip. Good, she’s starting to get it now. I’m just trying to take care of her.
When I finish brushing her hair, I make her a plate of fries and chicken nuggets in the shape of animals. She tries to refuse, but after I yell at her again, she takes a bite, eyeing me wearily.
I sit in the chair beside her bed, watching her and sigh. “Honey, I don’twantto yell at you. If you just do as you’re told, like the good little angel I know you are, then I wouldn’t need to. I’m just trying to take care of you, you need to let me.”
Perhaps if she won’t listen, I can give her a sedative to keep her more compliant. I probably have something around here I can use.
“Okay, daddy, I’ll be good,” she says suddenly, surprising me. I glance up and she gives me a small smile before she takes another bite.
I place my hand on her knee, giving it a little squeeze. “That’s my good little girl. You just let me take care of you and everything will be okay.” She nods and keeps eating.
Some of the tension drains out of me. This is how things should have been all these years. If that sad excuse for a son hadn’t been lying to me for the past decade, she would have grown up with me taking care of her.I know why he did it, why he hid her from me, he’s obsessed with her. I thought he just cared about her like an older brother, but his love for her was twisted and perverted, and above everything, he was jealous of my love for her.
But how could I ever care for him the way I care for her? She’s perfect, sweet, my little girl. Simon is twisted, cold and a fucking pedophile. No, he could never compete with her, and he knew. That’s why he kept her from me. Just the thought of all those wasted years looking for her when she was right under my nose… It makes me want to kill him all over again.
I’m so glad I decided to follow him that day. I wasn’t sure where he was going, hiking through the forest but I’m damn glad I was there to save her. It helped prove myself as her protector, too. However, I did expect her to be more open to me afterwards. None of that matters anymore now she’s here.
Now I finally have her back, I won’t let anyone take her from me again, and that includes her.
Chapter fifty-one
What the hell is happening right now? My eyes dart down again to the strange dress I’m wearing. It’s purple with large white polka dots covering it, and is shaped like a dress for little girls. I’m also wearing white socks that are pulled up to my knees.He’s dressed me like a child.
I’m trying not to freak out about the fact that he changed me while I was unconscious, because I have bigger things to worry about right now. Like the chain attaching my ankle to a metal hoop bolted to the floor in the middle of the room.