Page 112 of Silent Betrayal

“Jordan, see if the number is traceable,” the chief orders. Ben gives him the number and we all wait to see what he can find.

It doesn’t take long before we reach another dead end. “Sorry,” Jordan says grimacing. “That was a burner phone, and it’s been completely deactivated now. He probably tossed it, too.”

“There’s something else,” Ben says, clicking away as he speaks. “So, we already know that Mina’s birth certificate lists Paul Stevens and Helen Bennett as her birth parents.” I nod, Bennett was her mother’s maiden name. “Well, I’ve found a death certificate for Helen Bennett, and it’s dated two weeks after Mina was born.”

“So the Helen who raised Mina had stolen her identity,” Gideon surmises.

“So who is she, really?” I ask.

“My money is on Mary Stevens,” the tech pipes up, reading from his screen. “Twin sister to Paul Stevens and an assumed runaway twenty-one years ago.”

“This just gets more and more fucked up,” I saw swiping my hand down my face.

“This would explain why there is no record of Simon’s birth, they didn’t want anyone to know they had a baby together,” Dom adds, pacing the room.

“Does any of this explain why he would take Mina though?” Max asks an important question.

“He’s obsessed with her. She was the perfect child after having Simon,” Atlas says with frustration, his knife spinning in his palm. He’s obviously too wound up to care he has a weapon out in the police station right now, and I don’t think the chief cares since he’s the one that pulled Atlas away from Mina and allowed Paul to take her.

Gideon’s eyes meet mine and I see my own pain and fear reflected there. “What are we gonna do?” he whispers to me. “What if we can’t—”

“Wewill,” I tell him firmly. “We’ll get her back and everything will be fine, you’ll see.” I pat him on the back, trying to make him feel better as I give him a small smile of hope.

Internally, I’m a fucking mess. Hasn’t our girl already been through enough shit to last a lifetime? What did Paul want from her? What was he doing to her? Was she terrified? She didn’t have her watch or phone to contact us this time, she must be terrified.

Just hold on, Sugar. We’ll find you.

Chapter fifty

My little girl is so beautiful. When she’s sleeping like this, she looks peaceful, like the day I brought her home. Now I finally have her back, I’ll do everything to keep her safe… and perfect.

My little angel.

I watch as she stirs in her sleep. She’ll probably wake up soon and be thirsty and groggy from the sedative. I didn’twantto drug her, or put her in the trunk of my car, but I was running out of time. It’s only a matter of time before the police did a more thorough background check on me. When they did, they’d see the fifteen year absence in my record. That’s why I had to bring her here, where they wouldn’t find me and I could keep her safe.

I busy myself grabbing children’s Tylenol and a plastic cup full of water for her. I place them on her nightstand and sit back down in the chair beside the bed, watching her. She lets out a soft groan, so I lean forward and stroke her head gently.

“Hey there sleepyhead,” I whisper quietly, so as not to scare her.

She blinks slowly a few times before her eyes focus on me. Her brows pinch together before she scans the rest of the room. She tries to quickly sit up but winces and grabs her head.

“Carefully, honey. Here’s some Tylenol and water for your headache.” I pick up the items and offer them to her.

She looks at them with confusion before looking back up at me. “What are those?” she asks, pointing to the pills.

“Tylenol, it will help your headache, now be a good girl and take your medicine.” Her eyes watch me with apprehension, and I don’t like it.

“Mina, take your medicine,” I say, a little firmer.

“I… I’m okay, my headache is already going away.”

“Do not lie to me young lady. If you won’t take them willingly, you’ll be put in time out,” I warn her. Her eyes widen in surprise, so I try softening my tone as I continue. “Honey, I know you’re probably confused, but everything is going to be okay, I promise. Daddy’s going to take care of you now. I’ll make sure nothing happens to you ever again.”

Her eyes scan the room and when they land on her leg, she starts to panic. “Wha—What is this? What have you done?” she asks, grabbing at the cuff around her ankle.

“It’s just to make sure you don’t run off and get yourself lost or hurt in the woods. Now, take your medicine,” I say, holding it out again.

She whacks my arm away, sending the pills flying. “I don’t want your pills. Now let me go! Where have you taken me? Wh—Oh my god! Where’s my watch?!” She starts searching the bed like it might have just fallen off.