“I do. At least until your dad shows up. Dom doesn’t need me anyway, he has the rest of our team.”
“You’re still worried about me, aren’t you?” I ask softly, placing my hand on his arm.
He raises a hand to my cheek. “I’ll always care about you, Malishka.”
“Simon’s gone, so is my m—Helen, and even Brad’s gone now.”
His eyes bounce between mine. “You seem to be surprisingly okay with the fact that not only did two-thirds of your family die recently, but it happened in front of you. Are you sure you’re okay?” He asks, his hands on the side of my neck as his thumb strokes my jaw line.
“They were never kind to me. I thought I would feel more… upset. But really, I’m just relieved. Now it’s like there is this whole new world out there for me to go and explore.”
“And we’ll explore it with you,” he whispers, as he starts to lean in close.
“As will I,” someone cuts in, making Atlas pull back and turn to find my dad standing beside us.
“Hi, honey, how are you holding up?” he asks as he opens his arms and hugs me. My body freezes, and my wide eyes fly up to Atlas’s. Before he can pull us apart, my dad lets go and steps back a little, his hands coming up to my arms. “You look good. Have you got a drink yet?”
“No, I was waiting for you.”
“Good, why don’t you take a seat, what can I get you?” When he glances at Atlas, he adds, “it’s nice seeing you again, Atlas, under much better circumstances this time, too.”
He offers his hand and Atlas shakes it firmly, only giving him a nod in return. When Atlas continues to stand there, my dad frowns at him. “Were you planning on joining us? Because I was really hoping to spend some alone time with Mina today.”
“I’m staying, but I’ll sit over there to give you some privacy,” Atlas says, pointing across the room. He turns back to me and gives me a firm kiss on the lips followed by a peck on the forehead. “Have fun, text me or give me a wink if you need anything,” he whispers before turning and moving to another table to sit down.
“Would you like a coffee or cappuccino, honey?”
“Mochaccino, please, Dad,” I tell him as I take a seat and wait for him.
As he comes back with our drinks and a couple muffins, he looks from Atlas to me, lifting an eyebrow as he asks, “you don’t consider that controlling?”
“He’s protective of me. Can you blame him after everything that’s happened?”
“Seems a bit much. Simon and Helen are gone, what can he possibly be protecting you from in a coffee shop across from a police station in the middle of the day?”
“I think it’s more for him than it is for me. But…” I trail off, not sure if I can share my feelings with my dad.
“But what, honey? ”
“I like how protective he is, how all of them are. It makes me feel loved for the first time since… Well, the first time in a very long time.”
“Oh, honey. I’m so sorry for everything you’ve been through. I know it’s my fault, but I’m here now.” He reaches across the table and places his hand on mine. It still feels strange being touched by him. I’ve noticed that happens if anyone but my guys touches me.
I pull away with the ruse of grabbing my drink to take a sip, but I don’t think he misses the action, if the flicker of hurt in his eyes means anything.
We fall into conversation about what he’s been doing all these years, his brother, my uncle, and his kids and what I plan for the future. The last part is more of him telling me what I could do if I didn’t settle with the guys and went back with him instead.
“Malishka?” Atlas’s voice surprises me and I look up to see him standing at our table.
“Do we have to go?” I ask, sort of hoping our time was up as I was starting to feel drained.
“No, I just have to run across to the station, they found something and want the whole team there.”
I want to ask him if I can go with him, but my dad speaks up, making me go silent. “I’ll be here with her, I can keep her safe.”
Atlas looks at him for a moment before nodding.