Page 7 of Coach's Pet

“Nothing is going to pump me up for this,” I say as Tins falls into step beside me.

“People are really into football here.” She looks up at the streamers. The whole school is decorated, and it’s one of the rare times we don’t have to wear our uniforms.

Today students have the option to wear school colors or spirit shirts. If you are a member of the football team, you can wear your jersey, but the cheerleaders are dressed in their full uniforms.

“This school lives and breathes football.” My eyes roam the hallway as we enter the building. I know who I’m searching for, and it’s stupid, but I can’t stop myself from doing it. I’m still mortified about yesterday, and I know I’ll for sure see him today.

Sadly, my classes speed by for the first time ever, and the last class of the day is canceled due to the assembly. Before the assembly, I make my way to the back of the auditorium where Bennett is waiting with the beaver costume. I still can’t believe I’m doing this. The sensation to run suddenly overwhelms me as anxiety creeps up my spine. This feeling isn’t something I’m used to.

"I'm here!" Tinsley comes running up to Bennett and me. "I'm here," she says again, out of breath. She gives me one of her bright smiles, and for some reason it helps with my anxiety.

"Thank you." I smile back at her and take a deep breath.

"That's what friends do,” she says. Shit, if I wasn't dreading what I’m about to do I might want to hug her. Luckily I control myself.

“You really can’t do anything wrong. Remember what I told you. If you fall down, pretend it’s part of the act.” Bennett tries to reassure me, and Tinsley nods her agreement. “You’ve got this.”

I hear Principal Vale over the speakers telling everyone to take their seats. Tins helps me get into the suit as the assembly begins.

“Showtime!” Bennett says.

Tins gives me two thumbs up before I’m ushered to the auditorium.

Chapter Four


This has got to be a joke. How the fuck does the school get away with this?

The school guidance counselor is wearing a shirt that says Dam, do I love Beavers. There’s a group of boys in the bleachers that have signs that spell out Beaver Madness. A cheerleader is calling for everyone to chant “Eager Beaver,” and the principal is joining in.

Am I the only one that’s seeing this?

“You’ll get used to it,” Coach Bill says from beside me. He must sense my confusion.

“I’m not sure I want to,” I say under my breath.

The crowd is too loud for him to hear me, and when the school mascot comes out, they go even wilder. The football team didn’t get that big of an applause, and that’s saying something.

I watch as Bucky waves to the crowd and then high-fives Principal Vale. Bucky does a jump to the trampoline and I think my heart stops until she lands safely on the mat below. The crowd roars with excitement, and Bucky pumps her fists in the air.

My mind goes back to yesterday and those dark eyes hovering over me. I couldn’t stop thinking about that dark-haired beauty all night, and I’m ashamed to say I finished myself off to the memory of her on top of me.

“Who’s the teacher?” I ask Coach Bill after Bucky does her tricks and then stands off to the side while Parker speaks.

He’s captain of the football team, so he gets to tell the crowd we’re going to win tonight and pump them up.

“What teacher?” Coach Bill looks at me in confusion.

“Bucky.” I nod to the mascot that’s waving her hands at the crowd. “I don’t think I’ve seen her at the staff meeting.” I decided after last night that I had to find out who she is, and Coach Bill knows everybody.

Coach Bill looks even more perplexed. “I haven’t heard who’s filling in for Bennett.” He nods to the other side of the auditorium, and I see the kid with the broken arm standing next to a blonde student. “Bennett has been Bucky for the past two years. Before that it was a kid named Roger. But tradition is when the mascot graduates, they get to choose their successor.”

“What?” I turn my attention back to Coach Bill and then to Bucky.

“I haven’t heard which student took over for Bennett, but I’m sure it’s only temporary until his arm heals. He might be the best we’ve ever had. He can dunk a basketball in that costume.” Coach Bill beams.

“But it could be a teacher. Right?” My thoughts are racing, and it feels like my heart is going to beat out of my chest.