Page 24 of Coach's Pet

“Yes, I know about that.”

“Since when?” I throw my hands up.

“Since you punched the little shit in the face.”

“What the hell?” I huff. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

"I thought you had it handled. I was letting you do it your way."

"I do have it handled."

"You don't," he fires back, and I can clearly see that he's angry.

"Did someone contact you?" Would Parker reach out to my uncle? God, I hate that shithead.

“I didn’t need anyone to contact me, just like I don’t need anyone to tell me you have someone sneaking in and out of your bedroom window.” I stare at my uncle in shock. “Close your mouth before you catch flies.”

I quickly press my lips together. My heart thunders in my chest. I have to fight the urge not to cry. I don't cry.

"What now?"

Have I disappointed my uncle and now he's pissed at me? Will he go after Shay? I don’t think I can handle the two men I love hating each other. I don't have many people in my life, and I can't stand the idea of them not liking each other or having to choose between them. It would kill me.

“Come on.” He motions for me to get up.

“Where are we going?” Oh shit, I am in trouble. I’ve never been in trouble with Callum before.

“Downstairs.” He heads out of my room, and I sit there for a second while I have an inner panic attack. “Come on, Charlie,” Callum shouts on his way down the hall. I jump off my bed and hurry to follow after him. I'm already on thin ice, and it's better to get this over with.

“I’m sorry, Uncle Callum. Maybe I should have told you.” As I reach the end of the hallway, I see him heading toward the den. That’s where we always play chess. “But it’s not what you think. Really, it’s—" I stop talking when I step into the room and see Shay standing in front of the fireplace.

“Then what is it?” my uncle asks.

My eyes bounce between the two of them. It’s then I realize they’re about the same size.

“Coach Shay.” My voice doesn’t sound right even to my own ears.

“Cut the bullshit,” Callum says, shaking his head, but to my surprise, I see a ghost of a smile.

“Come here,” Shay says and holds out his hand.

My feet move without me having to think, and I go straight to him. He pulls me into him, wrapping his arms around me before dropping a kiss to the top of my head.

“It’s going to be okay,” I hear him say.

Then I do something I haven’t done in years. Not even when I lost my parents.

I burst into tears.

Chapter Fourteen


“So we’re all agreed?” I ask Charlotte and Callum. They both exchange a look before they turn to me.

“Are you sure?” Callum asks one more time.

“No, but it's for the best.” Charlotte starts to protest, but I squeeze her hand. “Do you trust me?”