Chapter One
It’s the first day of school, and I’m already in trouble. This is bullshit. It’s not my fault Parker doesn’t watch where he’s going. You would think that as a star football player, he would have better footwork. Still, I have no regrets over tripping him. Maybe a busted nose will help him learn not to run his mouth so much. Doubtful. He’s an idiot.
I drop down in one of the seats in front of the principal's office and wait for my turn. Now I get to find out what my punishment will be. I wouldn't be upset if I got in-school suspension. That way I could focus on completing my assignments and avoid having to endure endless boring classes. One more year, I remind myself. One year and then I'm leaving this place.
A bubbly blond girl walks into the office, and Principal Vale's secretary gestures for her to come over to where I'm sitting. She’s dressed in our typical Legend Prep attire, which includes a pleated skirt, black shoes, and a white top. However, she’s got a bright pink cardigan that’s buttoned all the way up and matches her glasses.
The blonde's head swings my way to see where the secretary is pointing. When she spots me, a smile forms on her face, revealing deep dimples.
“Morning,” she chirps, taking the seat next to me.
“Morning.” I take out my phone and pull up my Kindle app so I don’t have to make small talk.
“I’m new here.”
“I figured.”
“Oh.” She sinks back in her chair. “Did I do something to make it obvious?” The blonde shifts in her chair and fidgets.
“No, I just know everyone here.”
“Right.” Her smile returns. “Well, it’s wonderful to meet you. I’m Tinsley.”
The name is fitting, and it only takes me a second to realize who she is. This is the girl Parker was making the rude sexual comments about in the hallway. The same comments that had me sticking my foot out and tripping his gross ass.
“Charlie,” I tell her, and she somehow smiles brighter.
“Charlie? That’s a cool name.”
“It’s better than Charlotte.” That’s my given name, but I changed it a long time ago.
"That's a beautiful name as well, but I believe Charlie is a better fit." Tinsley is still smiling; it’s so cheerful it’s almost contagious. Almost. “Not that you look like a boy,” she adds when I don’t respond. “Just, you know, the black nails, hair, and, ah, boots.” Tinsley is getting flustered, and her cheeks are turning pinker with each word.
I glance down at my combat boots. They’re black, so it follows the school dress code even if Principal Vale hates them. I'm sure he would prefer me to be dressed in Mary Janes, much like Tinsley. There are even bows on hers. I have to admit they are cute, but they fit her style. Not mine.
“Tins,” I cut in before she gets more embarrassed. “It’s all good. I get it.” I even manage to give her a half smile.
She huffs out a small breath in relief. “Thanks, sorry. I guess I’m nervous.”
“You’re a senior?”
“Yeah.” She nods her head quickly. “New school senior year.”
“That would suck balls,” I say, and she snorts a small laugh.
Fuck, I kind of like this girl. I can tell she’s not one of the preppy popular girls. Not that they’d let her in their group with how territorial they are. But I also don’t see her fitting in with the theater crew either. As sweet and adorable as she is, she’s going to be a lone wolf here at Legend Prep. People have already established their own cliques by senior year. Her family's wealth won't be a factor either.
"Are you waiting for Principal Vale too?" she asks.
“Are you in trouble?” she whispers, glancing around as if it’s a secret.
“Yep.” I pop the P this time.
“For what?” Tinsley whispers again.