Then, all at once, the road opened up to a breathtaking overlook. There was a small parking lot just in front of an old stone wall. Beyond the wall was a sheer drop and a magnificent view of the ocean.

“Oh, Dean,” she breathed. “This is wonderful.”

“I thought you’d like it.” He looked as pleased as if he’d made it himself. He parked the car just at the edge of the wall and they sat quietly together for a while, watching the moon light up the tossing waves with flecks of silver.

Her heart was full as she sat there beside him. She was beginning to get hungry, but she didn’t want to suggest that they turn around and leave. They seemed to be in the midst of some kind of enchanted moment together, and she didn’t want it to end.


“Yes, Dean?” She turned to him with a smile, her voice as soft as his.

“I… when I first got my diagnosis, I was devastated. It was a huge blow. I didn’t understand why something so bad had happened to me. And I know there’s still a lot I need to learn how to deal with, but now I’m happy that everything worked out the way that it did.”

“Because it made you stronger?”

“Because it led me to meeting you.”

Her heart did a somersault. “Oh. I?—”

She didn’t know what to say, and it didn’t matter. In the next moment, Dean leaned his face in toward hers and gently kissed her.

“I’m so happy that everything led you to me, Dean,” she whispered. “Even though I wish you didn’t have to deal withyour diagnosis. And I’m so happy my path led me here to Rosewood Beach.”

“It feels like it was meant to be, doesn’t it?”

“It does.”

They shared a smile and then they shared another kiss. Then Dean’s stomach growled loudly and they both burst out laughing.

“Time for dinner, I guess.” Dean chortled. “What do you think? Should we go out exploring in a neighboring town, or do you want to go back to Rosewood Beach for dinner?”

She considered it for a moment. “Rosewood Beach. There are quite a few restaurants there I haven’t tried yet, and I’d like to. And besides, you’re so good at helping me get to know our town.”

“Rosewood Beach it is,” he said. “Sounds great to me.”

He turned the car around and they headed back toward Rosewood Beach. For a few minutes, they drove in silence, both of them seeming to be in a kind of daze. Noelle felt as though her whole body was glowing with happiness. She glanced over at Dean, wanting to look at him to convince herself she wasn’t dreaming.

He reached over and took her hand in his.

“Yes?” he asked, smiling.

She nodded. “Yes.”

They talked on and off as they drove back to the twinkling lights of Rosewood Beach. Sometimes they sat quietly and enjoyed the sights and smells of the beautiful evening. Sometimes they chatted about things they both felt excited about. The entire drive back, Dean never once let go of her hand.


Alexis smiled as she watched the early morning sunlight flicker across the countertops of her and Grayson’s kitchen. It was a beautiful Sunday morning, and through the window she could see the leaves of the trees flickering in the wind. The sunlight was making their vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow even more resplendent, and for a moment she paused to stare at the beautiful sight.

A yawn overtook her, and she stretched, thinking to herself that it was nice to have the day off from work.

Maybe Grayson and I could go for a walk later, she thought.I’d love to enjoy this beautiful weather. I know it’s supposed to be chilly today, but nothing a warm sweater wouldn’t take care of.

She began to hum quietly as she opened the cupboards and took out a bag of coffee grounds. She scooped some into a coffee filter, inhaling the rich, nutty aroma with a sigh of pleasure. She loved the smell of coffee, and soon the coffee maker was gurgling cheerfully, filling the kitchen with the scent.

She turned on the radio, and the soothing sounds of jazz poured out of it. She glanced upstairs as she heard the sound of a door closing. When she had first come downstairs to the kitchen,Grayson had been sitting at the kitchen table working, but then he had gone back upstairs for a while. She smiled. She liked listening to the sound of him moving around their house—it was a comfortable sound that made her feel safe.

She walked across the kitchen to the windows behind the kitchen table. She opened one of them and took a deep breath of the fragrant garden air. It was as chilly as she’d thought it would be, so she didn’t leave the window open, but she liked to smell the fresh air and the lingering sweet smells of the garden.