“Thank you.” Her own voice was a little breathless. “So do you. I really like that sweater.”
They gave each other a slightly hesitant hug. She would have liked to give him a big squeeze, but she didn’t know what the protocol was for a first date—even if the man you were going out with was someone who was already your friend.
“Thanks. I knew it would be chilly tonight. I’ve got my leather jacket in my car if you end up being cold.”
She smiled, loving the idea of getting to wear his jacket. “Should we go?” She took a couple of steps toward the front door.
He shook his head. “I have something to show you first.”
“You do, huh?” She smiled, liking the way his eyes were gleaming almost mischievously. “What is it?”
“You’ve just got to see it. Come on.”
Curious, she followed him into the garage of the shop.
“Am I allowed in here?” she teased. “I thought it was against company policy for customers to be in the garage.”
He turned around and winked at her. “But you’re not a customer right now.”
“Oh, I see.” She laughed.
The garage was dimly lit, but she could see well enough to avoid tripping over anything. When they were about halfway across the room, Dean paused at a light switch panel.
“Are you ready?” he asked.
“Ready for what?”
“Nope, answer the question.”
“Okay, Mr. Mysterious. Yes, I’m ready.”
Dean flipped on the light switches and the garage was flooded with light. At the far end of the room was a car, and Noelle gasped when she saw it.
“Is that… is that a 1988 Porsche 911?” She hurried over to it, thrilled. “It is, isn’t it? I didn’t know you had one of these here. This is the exact year and make of the car that I worked on with my grandfather.”
Dean was beaming at her. “The one you never got to ride in, right?”
She turned back to him, suddenly realizing what was going on. “Did you fix up this car?”
He nodded. “Thanks to PT, my energy levels have gotten so much better, and I’m able to maintain strength in my hands for much longer. That’s allowed me to get back to my favorite hobby, restoring cars.”
“Dean, that’s wonderful.” She felt tears springing into her eyes. “I’m so happy for you. Really, that’s such great news.”
“It is. And I’m really grateful for all your help.”
She shook her head. “I was just doing my job. You did this for yourself by putting in the effort. I’m so excited for you.” Excited wasn’t even a strong enough word—she felt overjoyed.
“Come on and look at it,” Dean said, suddenly hurrying toward the car as if he was a kid who couldn’t wait to show it to her anymore. “It’s just gorgeous. I can’t wait to show you how it runs.”
“You got it running?” She felt as excited as he looked.
“Oh, yeah, it runs beautifully.”
“How long have you had it? I’m surprised you didn’t mention it when I brought up the Porsche that my grandmother and I fixed up.”
Dean shook his head, smiling. “I didn’t mention it because I didn’t have it then. I just got it a little while ago from a friend. I—well, I got the idea to fix it up so that you could ride in it. I mean, because you never got to ride in the one that you and your grandfather fixed up.”
She stared at him, her heart thumping. “Dean… you fixed this up for me?”