She waved a hand. “I don’t know that it’s brilliant, but… well, it’s something I’ve observed. Even before I moved here. Whenever I came to visit my grandparents, I got that sense.”
“See, you too. People can’t seem to stay away from Rosewood Beach. Everyone ends up coming back to stay.”
She laughed. “What’s the town’s secret, do you think? Where’s that irresistible magnetic pull coming from?”
“Oh, definitely The Lighthouse Grill’s unbeatable corned beef and hash. Everyone who tries to leave gets sucked back in by it.”
She laughed. “And the Seaside Sweets Bakery’s Grasshopper. That was the best drink I’ve ever had.”
“And those doughnuts.”
“Oh, absolutely. And I had a root beer float at the pub once. It was so good, I could have sworn there was some kind of secret ingredient in it.”
They kept going back and forth, listing foods they’d eaten in Rosewood Beach and loved, and before long, both of them were doubled over in a mutual laughing attack. It wasn’t that what they’d been saying was particularly funny, Dean thought, it was that they both seemed to be in a giddy mood. He was enjoying bantering with her so much that he felt especially inclined to laugh.
“Oh, wow,” Noelle said, wiping away a tear. “I guess we solved the mystery. The best thing about Rosewood Beach is its food.”
They smiled at each other, both of them knowing that wasn’t really the answer. The best thing about Rosewood Beach was its company, and he felt another rush of gratitude that he’d gotten to spend such a long, fun day with her.
“Well,” she said regretfully as she stood up, “I think it’s time for me to head on home. Today was amazing, but as your physical therapist, I suggest you use the evening to rest.”
He nodded, putting on an exaggeratedly serious expression. “I wouldn’t dare argue with the best PT around.”
She laughed. “The best, huh? Well, you were the best tour guide, Fearless Leader.”
They walked back to the town square, where they’d parked their cars. They said breezy, almost affectionate goodbyes and parted ways. Dean glanced over his shoulder at her a couple of times as he walked back to his car.
His stomach growled, telling him that it was time for dinner. Once he’d gotten inside his car, however, instead of starting to drive toward home, he found himself just sitting there with a goofy grin on his face.
She is the best,he thought. Not just the best PT.Right now, I’m pretty sure she’s just kind of the best in general.
His stomach growled again, and he started his car and started to make his way back home. He did feel fatigued and ready for some quality rest. He also felt emotionally and mentally energized, however. It had been a wonderful day, and he was looking forward to the next time he would see Noelle.
Alexis bustled around in front of her stove, finishing preparing the food that she was getting ready for herself and Dean. She’d invited her brother over for lunch, and she was looking forward to hearing his updates on how physical therapy was going.
She leaned over the skillet, in which she was frying chicken, onions, and slices of red bell peppers. She was making chicken fajitas, since she knew that it was one of Dean’s favorite meals and one that she and Grayson enjoyed as well. She thought to herself with a pleased smile that the kitchen smelled absolutely incredible.
She placed the lid back on the skillet and turned the heat to low. She went over to the cupboard and got out a set of clean dishes. She set them on the table along with a pitcher of sparkling iced tea that she’d made earlier that day. She took a step back from the table and admired the look of it. She had mint green placemats on it, which paired beautifully with the light birch wood of the table. In the center of the table was a little ceramic pumpkin that Grayson had given her, and she thought it added a cozy vibe to the setting.
She finished preparing the meal just before she heard the doorbell ring. Grinning eagerly, she hurried down the hallway and opened the front door.
Dean was standing there, a big smile on his face. “For you,” he said, handing her a package of store-bought mint chocolate cookies. “As a thank you for feeding me.”
“Aww, you didn’t need to do that! I was feeding you as a thank-you for fixing our internet issues.”
“No, you’re feeding me as an excuse to interrogate me about my life. You want to know all about physical therapy and if I’ve met any women I want to marry yet.” Dean was laughing, but she thought she saw the tips of his ears turn slightly pink as he spoke.
She shook her head, chuckling. “You know me too well. At least you came over anyway.”
“Well, I can’t resist chicken fajitas, you know that. And you’re okay too.”
He dodged her hand as she tried to swat him and hurried ahead of her into the kitchen.
“Wow, it smells amazing in here,” he said, grinning as he stood in the middle of the room and inhaled the smell of the food.
“Why thank you.” She caught up to him and gave him the swat that he’d dodged. He pretended to double over in pain and she laughed. “Grayson might join us in a little bit, he’s locked up in his office working on something.”