Cooper swallowed, clearly hesitating. Then he shook his head. “Thank you for offering, sweetheart, but she’s so tired tonight and she’s been a bit sad lately. I think it’s best if I do the usual bedtime routine with her.” He smiled sweetly at her. “But I appreciate you being willing to do that.”
Julia’s heart sank. Although Cooper was being as sweet as always, she wished that he treated her more equally when it came to taking care of Macey. She found herself wondering what it might be like if she and Cooper ever got married. Would hestill insist on taking care of Macey even when Julia could tap in and do it for him? Would she always be the “non-parent”?
“Another time, Dave.” Cooper smiled at his friend. “Give Tony my congratulations. Ten years is a big deal.”
Dave sighed, although he was still smiling. “Oh well, more pizza for us, I guess. Have a good night, Cooper.”
“You too.”
Waving goodbye, Cooper and Julia started to walk toward the parking lot again. She couldn’t help feeling sad and disappointed. She wished that Cooper trusted her more to take care of his daughter, and she wished that she was able to spend more quality time with Macey.
“You okay, sweetheart?” Cooper asked her when they were almost to the car. She realized that he had been watching her as they walked, and his expression looked worried.
“Oh! Yes, of course. Everything’s fine.” She put on a smile. “Why?”
“Well, you’re acting quiet, that’s all.” He smiled back, but his eyes looked a little troubled, as if he didn’t quite buy her answer.
She considered bringing up her frustrations for a moment, but then she decided that she didn’t want to mess up a lovely day. “I’m just tired, I guess. Like I said to Macey, sometimes having fun can really tire you out.”
He laughed and slipped his hand around hers. She smiled at him, repressing a sigh. She told herself to be grateful that she got to spend the evening with him and Macey, but she couldn’t help wishing that he was willing to let her care for his daughter more.
Dean stood on the front step of Alexis and Grayson’s new house and rang the doorbell. He heard the sound of chimes echoing faintly in the beautiful old house, and he smiled quietly to himself. He felt glad that Alexis and Grayson had found such a beautiful home to settle down in. It was hardly as glamorous as their massive mansion in L.A. had been, which he’d been to one time and legitimately gotten lost in, but it was just the right size for a couple who might have children one day. It was large enough to be spacious, and small enough to be cozy.
While he waited for his sister to come to the door, he glanced at the garden, admiring how well-tended it was. Although most of the flowers had wilted, there was still green life in the flower beds, and they were orderly and tidy. He knew that the garden had been in great condition when Alexis had purchased the house, but it was clear that she’d lovingly kept up the flower beds.
The front door opened, and Alexis appeared, grinning affectionately. She was wearing jeans and a comfortable-looking oversized dress shirt which he guessed might belong to Grayson. Her reddish-brown hair was pulled back into a messy bun, and her eyes were bright with energy.
“Dean! Just the man I wanted to see.”
“Here I am, your friendly neighborhood technician,” he said, laughing. “Explain to me again what you want me to fix?”
“Well, first come inside and eat a pumpkin scone and drink the glass of apple juice I poured for you.”
“Wow, free snacks? I should come fix things at your house more often.”
She laughed. “I had to pay you back for coming all the way out here somehow.”
“I wouldn’t call a five-minute drive ‘all the way out here.’”
“Just shush and eat the scone,” she said, handing him a plate.
“Yes, ma’am.” He chuckled and took a bite out of the scone, which was rich and buttery. “Mm, thank you, that’s fantastic.”
“Isn’t it?” She laughed. “Thanks. Hazel gave me the recipe.”
“Hazel is a baking wizard, and I’m happy to see that she’s spreading her magic.” He took another bite, savoring the taste. “Now that I’ve been paid in snacks, what’s the issue with your TV?”
“It’s not the TV, it’s the Roku device. The Wi-Fi is refusing to connect, and the remote is being temperamental.”
“Oh, those remotes. They’re just like teenagers.”
Alexis laughed so hard at his joke that she snorted, and Dean grinned before taking a refreshing sip of the apple juice.
“But seriously, Dean, we can’t get it to work. Grayson is a brilliant man, but he can’t figure out electronics to save his life.” Her voice rose in volume a little bit as she talked about Grayson, and her teasing tone implied that she meant for him to hear her say it.
Dean laughed. “Well, luckily for your marriage, I should be able to figure it out. Happy to help. Where is it?”