Page 76 of Undone

Dylan tipped his blond head and groaned out a, “Fuck.”

One side of Ford’s mouth pulled up at his boss’s unexpected reaction. “Apparently, I’m not the only one?”

Dylan lifted his head. “We’ll see what tonight brings.”

“Hopefully lots of pleasure. For all three of us.”

“I have no doubt we can team up to achieve that. But…”

Ford scrunched his brow. “But?”

“I’m sure you already understand why I struggle with my jealousy?—”

“She was your first love,” Ford finished for him, then added with a shrug, “Mine, too.” When Dylan raised his eyebrows at that confession, he explained, “Just because we’re not exclusive doesn’t mean I can’t care deeply about her.”

“I figured as much. Now what?”

Ford shrugged. “Tonight, we make the best of the situation.”

“Have you had a threesome before?”

“Yes. You?”

“No.” Dylan frowned. “Has she?”

Good question.“Not with me, she hasn’t.” Usually, the guys he hooked up with were only into guys. Not that he had a deep and meaningful conversation with them about their sexuality. And he couldn’t imagine asking around for a third in Fisher Falls since Ford and Erin pretended to only be “friends.”

“Then that’s our answer. She told me she hasn’t had sex with anyone but you since Hart died.”

Holy shit.He had assumed she had since she never told him otherwise. He also never asked, as it was her business and hers alone. Just like he didn’t talk about any of his own sexual encounters. Or the fact it was only with men and that she was the only woman he was intimate with. “I… had no idea.”

“Now you do. We have to assume this will be her first time, so we need to be careful.”

“She might not like you treating her with kid gloves.”

“I didn’t say we should treat her like she’s breakable. I said be careful. We’ll give her whatever she wants and maybe even what she doesn’t realize she wants.” Dylan glanced at his cell phone. “She should be here shortly. We should finish getting ready and set the trap.”

Ford’s eyebrows pinched together. “Trap?”

Dylan grinned. “Follow my lead.”

Erin stoppedat the entrance to Dylan’s wing of the farmhouse. She pursed her lips as she read the hand-written sign taped to the door.

Door’s unlocked. Follow the trail of rose petals to find me.

“What in the world?” she whispered, then softly snort-laughed at the last sentence.Eat this note so my nosy siblings don’t see it.

She ripped the sign down and balled it within her fist. She wasnoteating it. She hadn’t eaten paper since she about two years old.

But what was all this? Was Dylan trying to woo her? Steal her away from Ford?

While she liked a little romance, she already told him that she and Ford came as a package deal.

With a sigh, she opened the door, and the sound of soft rock filled her ears at the same time she saw a path of vibrant red petals scattered on the wood floor. Dropping the balled-up note on the small table next to the door, she called out, “Dylan?”

Of course he didn’t answer. He expected her to follow his orders, not question them. Since she had worn sandals with shorts and a tank top, she kicked them off and placed them neatly by the front door.

She hoped he hadn’t planned anything too fancy since she was casually dressed. The trail of rose petals leading to the closed bathroom door on the opposite side of the living area might say otherwise. It most likely wouldn’t matter how she was dressed since she could pretty much guess she wouldn’t be wearing clothes for too long.