Chapter Fifteen
“Good boy,”Dylan whispered as he moved to the other end of the bench, petting Ford’s back and ass as he went. “Seeing you like this makes my cock ache to be inside you. Is that what you want?”
Ford hesitated.
“Isn’t that what you want?” Dylan repeated.
“Yes… Boss.”
“If you’re going to call me that in this room, I sure as hell hope that ‘Boss’ starts with a capital B instead of a lowercase one.” In the BDSM world, a Dom’s honorific, like Sir or Master, was always capitalized out of respect. A submissive’s never was.
“It does.”
“Good.” He could be lying but Dylan had no way to prove it. “Seems we’re finally on the same page.”
He headed over to the cabinet that stored the smaller toys next. Inside hung a lot of assorted pleasure and torture devices.
One in particular caught his attention. He grabbed it off the hook and tested the weight. Dylan thought it would be a perfect addition, even though nothing similar had been used on Erin.
But then, Erin didn’t have a set of balls hanging between her legs.
Heading back to the spanking bench, he studied the item and murmured, “I remember buying this. Today seems to be a perfect time to try it out.”
Ford had turned his head to watch Dylan and what he was doing, but once Dylan stood behind the man, he was out of sight unless Ford awkwardly craned his neck.
“Do you know what I’m holding?”
“No, Boss.”
“You’ll figure it out shortly.”
Dylan’s ears picked up on Ford’s muffled groan of dismay. Only it turned into a moan of pleasure when Dylan stroked the velvety soft skin of Ford’s sack, then kneaded his balls gently. When he stopped, Ford blew out a loud breath.
“If I remember correctly, on the product page this was called a ‘humbler.’ I wonder why?” He placed the clamp around the base of Ford’s heavy balls, adjusted the fit and began to tighten the screws, causing Ford to jerk his suspended legs and make the chain clatter.
“You might want to stay as still as possible,” Dylan suggested before hooking the testicle clamp to the same chain attached to the ankle cuffs. “If you don’t, every time you move, you’ll pull on your balls. That means you’re in control. At least with this, anyway.”
It was either going to be torture or give Ford extreme pleasure. Dylan was leaning toward the first one. Especially if Ford had to keep his legs extremely still to prevent the stretch.
“I had no idea you were such a sadist.” Ford quickly added, “Boss.”
“The two words are peanut butter, if you’ve forgotten.”
Ford didn’t have to participate in any of this. He had an easy out, if he wanted to take it.
It was apparent how stubborn the man was when he came back with, “I’m allergic.”
“No, you’re cocky.”
“Unlike you, who’s so damn humble?”
Dylan grabbed the testicle clamp and twisted it slightly. Just enough to cause discomfort. Ford tensed but barely moved, despite hissing out a, “Goddamn it!”
“Boss,” Dylan added.
“Just… Just…”
“Just what?”