Maybe edging her for as long as he had last time hadn’t been a good idea. “Come, darlin’, soak my cock.”
On a groan, she arched her back and clenched her pussy tightly around him. The little pulses grew more intense by the second.
“I’m going to come, Sir.”
That was music to his ears.
Erin could get loud when she orgasmed, so he quickly covered her mouth with his hand. Her teeth sinking into his palm made him wince but at least her scream was muffled as she impaled herself on his cock.
A climax ripped through her, taking him with her. He came deep inside her and stilled, riding out the aftershocks. “I’m planting my seed deep, darlin’. I want it to stay inside you as long as possible. When it slides down your thighs, I want you to think of no one but me for the rest of the day.”
She shuddered at those instructions.
“Are you good with that?”
“Yes, Sir,” she breathed.
He regretted that he couldn’t stay inside her any longer, but they needed to clean up and get out of the room.
“Good girl.” He slowly pulled out. “Cover your tits but stay bending over the bench for a moment.”
Of course, she did as she was told, but then, she always did. She enjoyed him giving her orders during sex and only during sex.
He dug for the panties he had tucked in his pocket and used them to wipe off his cock. Once he was finished, he tucked them back away. He was taking those home with him. A reminder, even a trophy of sorts.
He secured his jeans and belt, then drew a finger through her slit. “I’ll be inside you the rest of the day.” Then he placed a kiss on her ass cheek and pulled her dress back into place before helping her to stand straight.
With a hand curled around the back of her neck, he turned her to face him and dipped his head to meet her eyes. Her expression was soft from satisfaction.
“If you want to call me Sir for the rest of the day, I won’t hate it, but I wouldn’t suggest it,” he teased.
She grinned and shrugged. “Some people would only think I forgot your name.”
“And some others would know the meaning.” Especially at a resort designed for sexual encounters. “We didn’t have enough time for me to eat your cunt. Can I make it up to you later?”
He wanted to make up for the last eight months of not seeing her, except for a few moments here and there around town.
She reached up and cupped his cheek. “It doesn’t have to bequid pro quo,Ford. You know that. It’s never been like that with us.”
“But I want to bury my face between your thighs.”
She gave him a sly smile and wiggled her eyebrows. “Before or after I clean myself out?”
She might not know all of his tastes, but she knew enough. “Whatever you prefer.”
He definitely had decisions to make when it came to this woman. He didn’t want to lose her to anyone else.
She tapped his cheek and laughed softly. “You’re a naughty boy, Ford Harris.”
One side of his mouth pulled up. “And that’s why you keep coming back for more.”
Chapter Six
Dylan stoodin front of the newly renovated farmhouse, surrounded by a half dozen residents of Fisher Falls. They were talking excitedly about what the resort would bring to the town and surrounding areas.
He only hoped they continued to hold that same excitement when the resort officially opened next weekend, and their first guests arrived. And once they found out that the resort was open to a special type of clientele. Of course, Double D Ranch wouldn’t discriminate, and guests didn’t have to participate in any activities. They could simply use the ranch as an escape from their stressful lives. The only requirements were to be accepting of everyone else, have an open mind and not be prudes.
If they couldn’t handle nudity or sexuality—or anything that went along with that—this would not be the vacation spot for them.