The list was long.
So, why weren’t they a couple?
Not only were neither in a rush to commit, Ford had some tastes he had not shared with her.
Fisher Falls tended to lean more toward the traditional side. Most residents graduated high school, got married, had babies, grew old, doted on their grandbabies, sat in a rocker on the porch, then died. It seemed to be the town’s circle of life.
They liked life simple. Though, that kind of simple sounded boring to Ford.
This resort, once it was revealed for what it truly was, would turn this area on its ear.
The Lyons brothers were smart to have this open house. They wanted everyone to see how it would impact the area financially first before they found out how that money was made later.
This was no ordinary resort.
Unlike most of his neighbors, he was all for everything this ranch would bring.
He squeezed Erin’s hand as they approached the stairs on the east side of the event hall. He was sure Erin would be fine with what happened at the resort, too.
When she tugged on his hand, he stopped and saw her pointing at the small sign at the bottom of the steps. A little arrow directed guests up to the second floor.
Her expression was both curious and amused as she read the sign. “Stairway to Heaven?”
“It’s appropriate,” he answered.
A twinkle lit up her brown eyes. “I thought the second floor wasn’t finished?”
“That’s what everyone is being told today. Let’s go.” He encouraged her to take the stairs first—like the gentleman he was—mostly because he wanted to watch her ass rock and roll and maybe get a peek of her smooth legs under her sundress as she climbed.
As she did so, she asked, “Why are the steps to the second floor outside and not inside?”
“For the same reason I built them on the side opposite The Mane Lodge, darlin’. Guests might want to sneak away for playtime and not be seen.” They expected the first floor of the event hall to be a busy place since it would be used for various events and even weddings.
“Playtime,” she repeated in a murmur. When she reached the top landing, she read the sign above the windowless door. “Welcome to Heaven.” She turned and faced him. “You said playtime. That tells me the rumors are true.”
“I’m not sure what you heard, but I promise you this: The reality is so much better than the rumors.”
With a husky voice, she urged, “Then, hurry up and unlock the door.”
“Are you impatient?”
“Well, you explained why the stairs are on this side of the building. Maybe I don’t want us to get caught heading into Heaven. Especially since the second floor is ‘still under construction’ and technically, we shouldn’t be here.”
“Ah, but I’m the general contractor. I’m just checking my crew’s work.”
She laughed. “Smart.”
But being the general contractor didn’t mean he’d be allowed to use one of the playrooms, so they still needed to be cautious.
From his front pocket, he dug out the master key he carried. It opened every door on the property, except for the farmhouse. Only Dayne, Danica and Dylan had the keys to their residence.
As he turned the key in the lock, Erin drew her fingers down his spine and caressed his ass.
Jesus, he missed her touch.
He missed touching her.
He’d been stupid to let it go far too long.