Ford would use his own judgement that the man was ready.
Slipping the toy free, he climbed off the bed, put it aside and grabbed the tub of lube from the nightstand.
He watched the two on the bed for a few seconds while applying the lube to his own cock by stroking up and down the length to spread it around. When done, he took the tub and got back into position on the bed.
As he studied Dylan’s very fine ass, he was tempted to leave marks on it the same way he liked to do with Erin.
Patience. If tonight works out, you’ll have plenty of opportunities for that in the future.
That gave him more motivation to make sure everything went smoothly tonight. What happened next might make or break this threesome.
Dig deep for that patience.
Using a copious amount of Boy Butter, he made sure Dylan was well prepped inside and out. Then, holding his breath, he lined himself up.
It was finally happening. Keep your shit together.
When Dylan’s ass cheeks clenched in anticipation, Ford whispered, “Relax.”
Without lifting his head from Erin’s pussy, Ford saw the man’s rib cage expand. Ford waited for him to release that deep breath, along with some of that tension, and pressed onward.
“Relax, boss,” he murmured. The man was so damn tight, Ford was having a difficult time entering.
He decided small movements would make it easier for both of them. It helped him work his way inside slowly, but steadily. He stopped about halfway, giving them both a break. Especially after the thought of not only fucking his boss and Erin’s ex, but fucking another Dom, almost finished him right then and there.
With Dylan clamped so tightly around him, Ford needed to distract him. He ordered Erin, “Pinch your own nipples.” He swatted Dylan’s ass. “Keep eating but watch her.”
Holy shit, did it turn him on every time he bossed Dylan around, especially since the man was a Dom himself. Ford did not expect that heady power trip.
For a few seconds, he watched Erin twisting her own nipples in the mirror above, then asked, “Is he paying attention?”
Erin glanced down to check. “Yes, Sir.”
She had no reason to use that honorific right now, but he let it go. “Is he still eating your pussy?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Do you think he’d look better with a few stripes decorating his ass?”
When Erin’s eyes flicked up to his, she hesitated a second. “No, Sir, not tonight. But I’d love to see that in the future.”
She wasn’t the only one. “Do you think he’d enjoy it?”
“Yes, Sir, I do, since you’re so good at it.”
“Thank you, darlin’. Now, I’m about to bury myself to the root. If he stops eating you, I want you to flick his ear hardwith your fingernail until he begins again. He always needs to put you first over himself. That also means he must make you come before either of us do.” He again swatted Dylan’s ass. Of course, softer than he normally would. “Do you understand your assignment, boss?”
A muffled, “Yes,” came from between Erin’s thighs.
“Sir,” was added, again reluctantly.
Ford turned his attention back to his pleasurable task and pulled Dylan’s ass cheeks farther apart. “My cock in your ass is such a breathtaking sight. I wish you could see it, boss.” He glanced up at the mirror on the ceiling, then asked Erin, “Can you see it clearly?”
“No, Sir.”
Damn, that was a shame. While he had hoped Dylan could watch himself getting fucked, Ford didn’t want to switch positions.