Damn shame, that.
However, what they were discussing was important. Especially since Dylan’s mouth would be full in a minute or two.
Dylan explained, “If your hands are free, then one tap for green, two for yellow, and three for red. If someone is bound and gagged, we can continue using the bandana method like we did earlier.”
He glanced across Dylan to Erin. “Are you good with that?”
“Then, it’s set.” One side of his mouth pulled up. “Time to gag you,boss.”Damn, he still needed a better pet name for the man. Maybe he’d just go with it and see what came out naturally. He pushed down on Dylan’s head. “Take it.”
He wasn’t expecting a slow smile to cross Dylan’s face before he swallowed Ford’s cock so deeply that the crown bumped the back of this throat.
Holy shit.
Dylan stayed there for a few seconds before he slowly lifted his head while dragging his tongue along the underside of Ford’s length.
Ford wanted to drop his head back, close his eyes and just ram into Dylan’s mouth over and over until he came down the man’s throat.
He pulled his shit together because he was not getting robbed of his chance to fuck Dylan tonight. He could come down the resort owner’s throat during a lunch break. In fact, he might put that on his work schedule.
As guarded as Dylan had been so far, he was the complete opposite while sucking Ford’s cock. In fact, he was so enthusiastic about it, Ford’s suspicions ramped up once more.
No matter what, the man was skilled. It could be he just enjoyed giving blowjobs and got off on giving them, too. Some people did. Erin loved to suck his cock, and she got extremely soaked while doing so. If Dylan was the same, then he should be thankful Ford insisted on putting a towel down to protect his fitted sheet. Erin, too, since she’d most likely be the one stuck in the middle of the bed later when they fell asleep.
His attention was pulled from Dylan’s bobbing head when Erin asked, “Now?”
Dylan paused mid-bob as Erin turned on the toy’s vibration and began to insert it. She was being slow and cautious, even though this beaded plug was long and narrow, unlike the one Dylan removed in the bathroom.
Ford stroked Dylan’s hair and watched Erin fucking him with it for a few heartbeats. While he couldn’t see exactly what Erin was doing back there—even in the mirror above them—hecouldsee her reaction.
Obviously, she was enjoying this, evident by the gleam in her eyes. She also played with Dylan’s heavily hanging sack.
A moan and a sudden twitch proved she was hitting the right spot. She was now an expert when it came to locating the prostate. She loved watching Ford’s cock leak uncontrollably whenever she stimulated his.
Between sucking Ford’s cock and Erin playing with him, Dylan begging Ford to fuck him might actually become a reality.
He pushed Dylan’s head back into motion. “All the way down.” When Dylan responded immediately by doing what he was told, Ford whispered, “That’s a good boy.”
Dylan’s groan in response to the praise vibrated around Ford’s length. He wasn’t expecting that reaction. Instead of stiffening up, Dylan relaxed even more and got back to sucking Ford’s cock with even more vigor.
Ford really needed to relax and enjoy it instead of overthinking this whole thing. But before he could do that, Dylan began to tremble a few moments before everything on him went tight. A sign that Ford should check in.
Using handfuls of the man’s dark blond hair, Ford jerked Dylan’s mouth free. “Color?”
Dylan’s eyes were dark, his lips shiny and his voice gruff when he answered, “Yellow. Unless you want me to come, Sir.”
“I don’t. Not yet.” He met Erin’s inquisitive gaze over Dylan’s bare back. “Darlin’, I’m ready to switch with you. He’s going to eat you like the good boy he is while I fuck him. If he’s not doing it the way you’d like, I want you to instruct him. If he doesn’t follow those instructions, he’ll be punished.”
Her, “Okay,” came out breathy.
She probably had some residual cum still inside her from their two loads earlier, but Ford didn’t care. If he found that a turn-on, Dylan might, too. If not, the man would need to get overit since Ford wanted to keep Erin involved and not feeling left out at all.
Erin tipped her chin down. “Leave it in?”
“For now.”