If Dylan went back on his word, Ford would never share Erin with him again. Their polyamorous relationship would be over before it ever took root.
It was great that both, or either of them, could have sex with Erin. It was also great if Dylan wanted to give him a hand job or blowjob. He certainly wouldn’t refuse either. But if he couldn’t top the man, Ford was done.
They had both agreed to be willing to bend. That meant Dylan could fuck Ford one time and Ford could fuck Dylan another. It didn’t have to be exactly one for one. It only needed to be somewhat fair.
Ford also hoped that this poly relationship would be fluid and not need any strict rules. For example, if Erin decided tohave a night where she only watched the two men have sex, then they should respect that decision.
Same with having sex individually, but they needed to discuss that in more detail. Would it bother Ford if Dylan had sex with Erin when he wasn’t around? While he hadn’t minded what happened between the two of them in the tack room that day, that didn’t mean it would always be the case.
If Dylan or Ford, or even Erin, was feeling even just a little bit jealous or left out, they needed to be honest and explore why that was and quickly address the issue before it festered.
A relationship between two people was difficult enough, but three would be a whole other dynamic. Honesty, respect and loyalty would be the key to their success.
While Ford and Erin had an open relationship previously and didn’t have to confess to each other if they went elsewhere for some fun, he knew Dylan would want to lock them down. He already hinted that he didn’t want Ford fucking men in State College. He also stated flat-out he only wanted to share Erin with Ford and no one else.
Was Ford ready to be “tied down?” The only reason he never wanted an exclusive relationship with Erin was because Ford also had the urge to be with men. He was afraid if he chased that desire while being a couple, she’d feel he cheated on her and then their relationship would sour to the point it couldn’t recover.
He didn’t want to lose Erin but also didn’t want to give up men. He had been completely honest about that with her right from the beginning, except he never shared that the “others” in his life were men. That was why they had stayed on the path they’d been traveling… at least until Dylan stepped into that path.
Would just any woman accept Ford’s desire for men? No, but Erin wasn’t just any woman. She was special. Proof was herbeing sandwiched between two men in the bedroom. She was open-minded and open-hearted.
Warmth pooled in his gut.
That right there was why he loved her. Something he never told her because they didn’t have that kind of relationship. But now they might if these puzzle pieces fell into place.
Whether they would or not would be revealed when Ford went back in that room and if Dylan let him take control.
Again, if the man backed out, that puzzle would end up only consisting of a single piece and it wouldn’t be him or Erin.
Ford hoped to avoid that disappointment.
Chapter Twenty-Three
When Ford reentered the bedroom,two sets of eyes turned his way. “If either of you need to go, I’d suggest going now.”
“Me first!” Erin shouted with a giggle, then quickly rolled off the bed and disappeared into the bathroom.
Approaching the bed, Ford studied Dylan. He was looking a bit tense. “How’s the plug feeling?”
Dylan sat up. “Fine.”
Ford raked his gaze over his defined chest and arms. “When you go in the bathroom, take it out.” He held out the large towel he found in the bathroom’s linen closet. “You’re going to need this.”
Dylan’s hazel eyes fell to it. “Maybe.”
Ford tipped his head to the side and assured him, “Promise you will. Place it in the center of the bed.” When his boss didn’t move quickly enough, he followed with, “Get that done now,” in a tone that didn’t invite any argument.
That got Dylan moving faster. As he got out of bed and put the towel in place, it was hard to miss the state of his cock. Despite his obvious nervousness, he was already semi-hard.
Ford could take that as a good sign, but didn’t want to be too optimistic. Yet, anyway. He wouldn’t be until he was buried deep inside the other man.
However, he was willing to make things easier on him. Unlike when Dylan fucked him. “Do you have a vibrating plug?”
One dark blond eyebrow popped up. “Yes.”
“Get it. Erin will fuck you with it while you suck me. I want you so worked up you’ll be begging for my cock.” The resulting look Dylan delivered made Ford add, “I accept that unspoken challenge.”
As Dylan went over to the cabinet holding his extensive toy collection, the bathroom door opened behind Ford.