After lightly tapping her ass with it, he set it within reach. Next, he pulled a well-broken-in stirrup leather from an English saddle stored on a wall rack. Stirrup leathers weren’t much different from a leather belt. He could use it to beat her ass or tie her up.
With pursed lips, he spotted the four-prong hook suspended from the ceiling used to hang bridles when cleaning or oiling them. That discovery was a sign to use the crop to spank her and the stirrup leather to tie her up.
He looped one end of the leather strap and secured it to the bridle hook before crooking a finger at her to come closer. With a naughty smile and slightly parted lips, she didn’t hesitate.
He pointed to the floor under the dangling stirrup leather. “Stand there.”
He was pleased to see she didn’t balk at taking orders. At least when it came to sex. He would never order a woman around, Erin or otherwise, in any other situation.
He circled her slowly again, this time slipping a spaghetti-thin dress strap off one slender shoulder before doing the same with the other.
This particular sundress had a zipper at the back, so with excruciating slowness, he pulled the tab down, making sure the back of his knuckles brushed against her warm skin as he went, following them with his lips.
When he was done, the light, colorful fabric easily slipped to the floor, landing in a whisper at her feet.
Since her breasts weren’t large or heavy, she could get away without wearing a bra, so no surprise she wasn’t wearing one. Her nipples, puckered tightly, made his mouth water.
They would have to wait.
Her thong gave him a great view of her ass. He visually inspected her firm cheeks to see if any of Ford’s marks remained.
Barely. He could only detect a little bit of slight bruising where he left the largest welts. Dylan would change that when he also left his own.
Unless she had an issue with him doing so. “He turned your ass cherry red. Do you get off on being spanked like that?
“Yes. Do you?”
Did her voice have a little tremor? “I like to do the spanking.” He trailed his fingers down her bare arms stopping at her wrists. He lifted them above her head. “Keep them there.”
“I always do what I’m told.”
He came around to face her and cocked an eyebrow. “You’re always a good girl and never a brat?”
The corners of her mouth curled up and her eyes held mischief. “I’m only a brat when I want to be spanked harder.”
“No need to be. If you want to be spanked harder, simply ask.”
“I can’t if my mouth is full.”
He stared at her. “Very true. I’ll keep that in mind.”
Looping the other end of the stirrup leather around her wrists, he used it to secure her arms over her head.
“What if someone sees us?”
The only people he wanted to avoid seeing them was his sister or twin. He didn’t give a rat’s ass about the guests. They were all on the property for a reason. Most of them for something similar to what they were about to do. “You kept the blinds open in the playroom. Do you really care?”
She shrugged as much as her suspended arms allowed. “No.”
“Do you hope someone sees us?”
“An audience would be,” she finished on a sigh, “intoxicating.”
“So unexpected,” he murmured. He still couldn’t believe this was the same Erin from their youth.
“It seems like we’ve both changed, Dylan.”
That they have.