Page 63 of Undone

“Simple. I don’t have sex with anyone else but him.” She had free rein to do so, but she didn’t. Anytime she was in the mood to have sex, she contacted Ford. He was always accommodating.

“He doesn’t have sex with anyone else, either?”

“He gets tested regularly. But he always uses protection when he’s with anyone else.”

“Him being with others doesn’t bother you at all?”


“That’s not normal, Erin.”

“Says who? Society? Our relationship isourrelationship. We make it what we want. And right now, we don’t want it to be exclusive.”

“Would it be if you asked?”

“I didn’t come here to discuss that, Dylan.”

“Then, why are you here?”

“Again, to apologize for going about it the wrong way.”

One eyebrow lifted. “Why do you think it was wrong? Maybe it wasn’t and it convinced me.”

His tone sounded a bit aggravated, which led her to believe he wasn’t convinced. Was he being sarcastic? “Did it?”

Dylan scratched his forehead, then, without a word, unclipped the cross-ties and led Rebel by his halter to a nearby stall. He slapped the horse softly on the hind end with a soft, “Good boy,” closed the stall door and turned.

“Well?” she prodded.

“I loved you, Erin.”

Holy shit.She hoped to move forward and not rehash their past.“And I loved you. But we need to get past this, Dylan. It was seventeen years ago.”

“Seventeen years wasted.”

She sighed. Maybe coming to see him today was a mistake. “I’m sorry you see it that way.”

“If I had stayed and asked you to marry me, would you have done it?”

Her chest tightened. “Yes.”

“Then, do you realize our kids could be teenagers by now?”

Was this his way of getting back at seeing her and Ford together? Was this some sort of punishment?

She squeezed her eyes shut and pulled in a breath. “Dylan, that’s not fair.”

“You’re right. Life isn’t fair. You out of anyone should know that since you lost Hart.”

“Please stop,” she whispered. “My heart broke when you left. My heart broke when Kyle died. Please don’t break it all over again.”

She opened her eyes when Dylan’s hand cupped her jaw, and he pressed his forehead to hers. “I’m sorry. I’m being a complete ass. We agreed to move on, and I’ll admit that I’m having a hard time doing that. It was difficult to think of you with Hart. It’s even harder for me to see you with Ford.”

“Two years, Dylan. We had two years together in school. I’ve been seeing Ford for ten.”

“But not seriously.”

“Every relationship doesn’t have to be serious,” she reminded him.