Was this the first time? Or did they play like this on a regular basis?
Did she like it? Seek it out? Or was Ford the one who liked to spice things up and somehow convinced her to go along with it?
And leaving the blinds open? Dylan wasn’t sure if he himself would be secure enough to do that. He valued his privacy andletting others watch him, whether by himself or with partners, went against his grain.
Erin didn’t look worried, embarrassed, or even tense. Instead, her face was full of what Dylan could only describe as ecstasy. If he listened closely enough, he could also hear her moaning around the rubber bit every time Ford slammed his cock into her.
Dylan took a snapshot in his mind of the scene before him and tucked it away for later. Despite that, he wished like hell he was standing in Ford’s place. But he wasn’t, and Erin might not even want him there.
The woman next to him whimpered, then bucked against her man before releasing a long sigh. Most likely she just got off.
Dylan wished he could pull out his cock right then and there and do the same, but it was important to remember that he was one of the owners of this resort. Business came first. Pleasure second. He and his siblings needed to act professional while in the public eye, then they could do whatever they wanted behind the privacy of a closed door.
The male guest next to him asked, “You’re the owner, right?”
“One of them,” he muttered.
“I have to say, so far, we’re really enjoying our stay. My wife and I have traveled all over the world and even stayed at every swingers resort we could find, but this place… I have a feeling it’s a gem that, with time, will only shine brighter and brighter. I can’t wait to tell our friends about it.”
Dylan reluctantly pulled his attention from inside the room to the couple next to him. “I’m glad you’re enjoying your time with us, and we would love to welcome your friends here. We’re also open to any suggestions, so make sure to fill out our online survey after you check out.”
“We will,” the man responded.
The woman pulled herself free from her husband’s embrace. “Will we see you at dinner?”
When he could, he stopped at each table during one of the meals and made sure guests were enjoying themselves. If any issues were mentioned, he wanted to nip those in the bud immediately. Complaints were taken seriously since word of mouth would be the best advertising, especially since it was also free.
“Maybe,” Dylan mumbled. “If not, enjoy the rest of your day.”
The woman’s lips curved up and she squeezed her partner’s forearm. “We plan on it.” With that, they turned and, with her husband’s hand possessively planted on the small of her back, headed toward the exit.
Now he could concentrate on the other couple behind the closed door without any distractions. Dylan turned just in time to see Ford take a couple more hard thrusts before burying himself deep and staying there. Ford’s hips and glutes flexed a few times as he came inside Erin.
To Dylan, it seemed like Ford took forever to pull out but maybe because he was being impatient. When Ford finally slipped from Erin, Dylan couldn’t miss that the man was, once again, not wearing a condom. That twisted Dylan’s gut.
Ford’s slick erection bobbed freely as he leaned over, brushed his palms over her red ass and then placed a kiss on each cheek.
Then he straightened and turned…
They specifically didn’t want one-way glass for the playrooms. Some people got off from people watching. Others loved to create a show for an audience.
Dylan and Ford’s eyes met and held for far too long. Ford finally jerked into motion, approaching the window and giving Dylan an eyeful of his impressive girthy cock. His balls hung heavily over the elastic band of his boxer briefs. He also got a glimpse of powerful thighs lightly covered in dark hair.
Dylan wanted to see more. He wanted to see all of Ford. Unfortunately, the closer Ford got to the window, the less Dylan could see. When they only had the glass separating them, Dylan waited for Ford to say something.
He didn’t. With his expression masked, his arm shot out and within seconds, the blinds were pulled shut, blocking Dylan’s view of both the man and Erin, still tied up on the spanking bench.
Regretfully, Dylan would miss the aftercare Ford provided her. Most likely a bottle of water or one of the Gatorades kept stocked in the mini-fridge. Ointment for her welts. A massage to soothe her stiff muscles. Cleaning up her cum-filled cunt.
Maybe even him moving around to the front of the spanking bench and making her suck his cock clean.
If asked, Dylan would volunteer to do that for him. Or even lick Erin’s pussy clean. He would do anything to taste the two people he wanted the most right now.
Would they shower together in the attached bathroom? Share cuddles and kisses? Would he praise her and tell her what a good girl she was?
Or would they have a conversation about Dylan standing outside the window like a jealous stalker.
His imagination was running wild.