He was surprised that suggestion shocked her. She had always been open-minded. But maybe a threesome was a step too far? Did he finally find her limit?
He sighed. “Look, do you still want me?”
“Of course.”
“Do you want Dylan?”
“Yes. Wait… Doyouwant Dylan?” She shook her head and lifted a hand. “I mean for more than a random kiss.”
One side of Ford’s mouth pulled up.
He laughed. “Heissexy as fuck, and I can see why you’re tempted to rekindle that relationship.”
“Yes, he is,” she murmured. “But I just want to make sure I heard you right… You’re talking about a threesome, right?”
“Sure. Why not? I understand there are a lot of reasons why someone might not want to get involved in a threesome, especially if they were looking for a serious relationship. Polyamory involves a lot of work. However, I’m only suggesting sex. Not a commitment.” At least to start. If they went in with no expectations other than pleasure, then no one would get hurt.
“This was so unexpected. So, how would we deal with this?”
Was she seriously considering it? Ford was game. If he could get Erin onboard, they only needed to convince one more person. “Have you seen his big bed?”
“Have you?”
“I helped carry it in and set it up.” He’s also fantasized about everything that could be done in that over-sized, custom-made bed.
“But you didn’t test it out.”
“I’m not sure Dylan would be interested in what I’m thinking.” Erin’s ex could be where the idea came to die.
“Was the kiss a dud, then?”
Not even close. “No, but he was pretty pissed afterward.”
“From what?”
“From me figuring out his secret.”
“When was this revelation?” she asked.
He answered, “A couple of days ago.”
“And how has he been since then?”
“He’s avoided me.” Which was why he figured his idea would never come to fruition.
“Just like I avoided him since I wanted to talk to you first.” She chewed on her bottom lip.
This woman was amazing and Ford never wanted to give her up, if he could help it. The thought of them being interested in the same man didn’t bother her at all.
Erin had to be a unicorn, so he was relieved she didn’t want to be exclusive with Dylan. At this point, at least. “You confessing to me about a simple kiss is making me feel guilty that I didn’t tell you sooner.”
“You didn’t have to tell me at all,” she assured him.