The ranch resort.
He was planting roots so deeply in this place, only a tornado could rip him free.
But, she reminded herself, tornadoes did exist. She didn’t want to be the victim of one.
When she glanced up, their eyes locked. “Hmm?”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“I don’t have an answer. This was all so unexpected.”
“What was? Me coming home to stay, building the resort, or our attraction reigniting?”
“All of it,” she admitted.
His mouth turned slightly up at the corners at the same time he closed the small gap between them and said softly, “So, you do admit you’re still attracted to me.”
“Why are you doing this, Dylan?”
“Because I saw you with Ford and, honestly, it bothered me.”
“It shouldn’t.”
“You were supposed to be mine, Erin.”
Ditto.“You made a choice that changed that.”
“And now I’m making another choice.”
“To cause issues between me and Ford?”
“The way you two explained earlier, it sounded as if he has no claim to you.”
God, why did his deep, rumbling voice make her insides clench? And not in a bad way. In a way that made her very aware of him and how close he was. It wouldn’t take much to…
She forced herself to swallow. “I’m not looking to be claimed, Dylan. I’m my own woman. I don’t need a man to survive.”
“But you need a man for other things.”
“That’s why I have Ford.”
“You use him.” He didn’t even bother to form that as a question.
He was testing her. Testing her relationship with Ford. Seeing if it had cracks he could crawl through.
“Untrue.” They had an easy, comfortable relationship that worked for their purposes.
“He’s your go-to for sex.”
She wasn’t responding to that. “If you don’t want to finish giving me a tour, I can explore on my own.”
“I’m only trying to understand the dynamics between you.”
Her eyebrows stitched together. “Why?”
“Because I want to do this…”