Page 108 of Undone

He was fine.

“Breathe,” Ford encouraged as he rubbed her back. “Breathe.”

She pulled air in through her nostrils and blew it out of her mouth.

She did it again, making sure her exhale was twice as long as her inhale, a method used in meditation. Breathing exercises had helped her for years after losing Kyle tragically.

After one more deep breath, she managed to open her eyes. The haze had cleared, and she was no longer looking down a long, dark tunnel.

Ford went nose-to-nose with her, his eyes full of concern and his expression serious. He gripped her chin with his fingers. “See? I’m okay. Nothing happened to me.” He helped her to her feet but still kept her locked in his embrace. “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”

Dylan now had one hand planted on her back and the other swept strands of hair away from her face. “You okay?”

She nodded despite still being chilled to the bone. “I can’t lose you, Ford.”

His voice caught when he assured her, “You won’t.”

She knocked the side of her fist gently against his chest. “You can’t make that promise when you do things like that.”

“Darlin’, it’s my job. I go on roofs all the time.”

“You didn’t tell me that.” She also never asked—on purpose—hoping his employees had been doing the more dangerous work. But it was hard to block out him climbing ladders and working two stories up when she actually witnessed it.

“This was exactly why I didn’t. I didn’t want you to worry.”

“Of course I would worry. I love you and don’t want to lose you.” She didn’t think she’d survive having another loved one ripped away from her so soon.

His fingers, now gripping her biceps, flexed. It took him a few more seconds before he responded, “I love you, too.”

Since the bulky tool belt hanging around Ford’s hips pressed against her painfully, she leaned back until he freed her. It alsogave her the opportunity to search his face after that confession. “You do?”

His answer included a soft smile. “Of course. I have for years.”

“You never said anything.” Just like working on roofs.

“Because we didn’t have that kind of relationship. We agreed to keep it open and easy.” He stroked her cheek with his knuckle. “You never told me, either.”

“Because…” She shook her head. “I didn’t for the same reason as you. I didn’t want you to think I was pressuring you into an exclusive relationship.”

He tipped his head to the side. “You have never pressured me for anything, darlin’. Not once. You are the most flexible person I’ve ever met. It’s why our unconventional relationship still works after all these years.”

Despite knowing Dylan stood listening closely behind her, this conversation was important. Especially when they just revealed that they loved each other.

It wasn’t a surprise, but more of a relief.

“I loved what we had.” Would they lose it?

“And now?” Ford’s concerned expression returned.

No, they could only make it better. “I’m loving what we’re building here. All three of us.”

He pressed his lips to her forehead, murmuring, “I do, too. I never thought I’d want to be in any kind of committed relationship, but I see it headed in that direction.”

She tipped her face up to him. “Does that bother you?”

Ford shook his head and glanced over her shoulder.

She knew at exactly who. She turned. “I’m sorry, Dylan. I don’t want you to feel left out.”