The guests also appreciated being heard by management, which made them want to return or recommend the resort to their friends. They considered that a win-win.
Bookings were already picking up and they were almost at full capacity this week for the first time since the grand opening. She was pleased she had a small hand in that. One thing she heard over and over was, their guests really liked the fact, besides having management that listened, they were also hands-on. Like Erin, they were regularly walking around and checking in with guests to make sure all their needs were being met.
That particular praise made her smile since Dylan was definitely hands-on.
Since that first night when Dylan and Ford surprised her, they now got together on a regular basis. Beside using one of the playrooms twice—with the blinds drawn for privacy at Dylan’s request—they also spent plenty of nights in Dylan’s portion of the farmhouse.
It helped that his bedroom was well stocked for whatever mood they were in. If they didn’t have a desired item, he added it to his collection.
The nights they played together were the same nights they stayed over. For Erin, waking up sandwiched between two very sexy and handsome men was the ultimate fantasy turned reality.
How crazy was it that one of those men was Dylan? She never imagined she’d be with him again after he ran away from Fisher Falls.
Maybe it was best that he did. Their lives would look so different if he hadn’t. She had no doubt she would be stuck in a traditional marriage—whether with Dylan or not—and raising children right now. She might have ended up as a housewife dependent on her husband, where her choices were limited.
She’d been headed that way after she married Kyle. At the time she thought that was what she wanted and if Dylan hadn’t left, she would’ve pursued that kind of life with him after she graduated.
But after Kyle died, Ford opened up her world, making her realize she might have ended up unhappy. Even eventually divorced, since it turned out that traditional relationships were not for her. It was why she embraced the easy connection she had with Ford for so many years.
She pulled fresh air deep into her lungs as she strolled in the warm sunshine.
She was lucky Ford helped her find her true self, whether that had been his goal or not.
The ranch might help others find theirs.
Now that things with the three of them were slowly falling into place, she had no regrets allowing Dylan back into her life.
He had changed. So had Erin. And Ford, well… She swore Ford knew who he was since birth.
Even better, allowing herself to live the life she actually wanted—and not one pressured into by society—made her more confident. She truly believed she could do anything, be anything, and she no longer cared what others thought. She also no longer felt the need to explain herself to anyone outside of her small circle. And that circle now included Dylan and his siblings.
However, she was also realistic when it came to anyone outside of the ranch. If this threesome continued on their current path, they would only get closer and eventually, they’d have to deal with judgement from some—if not most—of the residents of Fisher Falls.
While she didn’t expect anyone else to understand it, she only needed them to not be assholes about it.
Speaking of assholes…
She paused and squeezed her butt cheeks together. Today was the first day Dylan insisted she work with a small butt plug in. He had bought her a beautiful stainless-steel plug with a bright blue jewel on the end, but before she could use it, he was starting her out with something smaller.
She knew where this was leading, and she wasn’t against it. She’d had anal sex with Ford in the past but at the time, it hadn’t been the best experience due to being an impulse and not planned in advance.
Now that the three of them were enjoying each other’s company on a regular basis, Ford wanted to change that. Dylan took over the prep part with enthusiasm, of course.
Erin continued on her trek toward the new bunkhouse. Dylan had hired a few of Ford’s old construction crew to work on the ranch since, when it came to animals—both two- and four-legged—something always needed to be replaced or repaired.
But in this case, extra hands were needed to build a bunkhouse to house both permanent and seasonal employees. Basically, if there was bunk space available, any employee needing a roof over their head—assuming they didn’t mind living in communal housing—could grab a spot. The employee housing was also being expanded by building six cabins behind the new bunkhouse for staff in upper positions. Managers like Ford.
Of course, Ford opted out of taking one of the cabins since, like her, he owned his own home on the edge of town. Would it save him a monthly mortgage payment if he sold it and claimed one of the nicely sized cabins? Of course. But he wasn’t at the point of wanting to sell yet and said he’d consider it in the future.
Erin had also been offered a cabin and turned it down—for now—for the same reason as Ford. Too much was still up in the air. She was only newly employed by the ranch and their threesome was almost as new. If it went bad—the job or the relationship—she would need somewhere to go.
She adjusted her grip on the cooler and turned the corner of the almost completed building.
Hammering and drilling could be heard from inside the structure. Plus, all kinds of equipment and supplies were instacks and piles around the exterior. She spotted a long ladder extended up to the pitched roof of the building.
Dylan designed it so the sleeping quarters were on the top floor and the main floor would consist of the shared bathrooms, kitchen and living space. When finished, the bunkhouse and the cabins wouldn’t be anything like the ones she’d stayed in during summers at Girl Scout camp.
She shuddered. The ranch employees would have flushing toilets instead of latrines, of course, as well as actual clean showers instead of gross stalls the girls shared with spiders and other creepy crawlies.