Page 103 of Undone

“I’m family.”

“So? We all have our secrets. Even from family.”

Dayne cocked an eyebrow. “But why does he feel the need to hide it from us?”

“Why don’t you ask yourself that,” Ford suggested.

Dayne shrugged. “I’d be the last person to judge him. Tease, yes. Judge, no.”

“Maybe he doesn’t want anyone riding his ass about what he does.”

“Or who he does,” Dani added in a murmur.

“So, you’re riding his ass?” Dayne wore an asshole grin when he turned to Dylan. “I didn’t take you for a bottom, brother.”

“He’s not,” Ford responded quickly, cutting off Dylan’s answer.

“I didn’t take you for one, either.”

Ford’s chin rose and he looked squarely in Dayne’s eyes. “I’m not.”

“Ah. Got it. You’re sharing Erin but not each other.”

“Why are you so determined to know our dynamics?” Erin’s irritation at Dayne was beginning to show.

“He only wants that info so he can needle me,” Dylan answered for his brother.

Dayne tipped his head to the side and shot him another grin. “I try to find any excuse.”

“We know,” Danica said next.

“You aren’t any better,” Dylan told his sister.

“We’re siblings. It’s what siblings do.”

Erin clapped her hands together and exclaimed, “Boy, am I starving!”

Danica laughed softly and Dayne’s grin widened.

“Anyway, I can’t wait to hear what customer service suggestions you came up with, Erin.” Dayne turned back to Dylan. “Should Dani and I expect a summary email or a face-to-face meeting?”

When the timer on the oven beeped, it took everything Dylan had not to jump out of his skin. Dani got up and headed over to check on the leftovers, saying, “Maybe we should just hire her for real. Our PR company does the marketing but doesn’t deal with that aspect.”

“I think that’s a great idea, sis,” Dayne said.

“I have a job,” Erin murmured.

“We’ll pay you better,” Dayne told her.

We will?

“You don’t know what my salary is.”

“Dani’s right,” Dylan’s twin said. “We could use someone who’s knowledgeable in that department.”

“I have a job,” Erin repeated, her eyes now burning a hole into the side of Dylan’s face.

“Do you like it?” Dayne asked.