“You been in one?” He’d need to be knocked the fuck out first before stepping into what looked like a wicker picnic basket attached to a huge balloon that couldn’t be steered or stopped.
Fuck that shit.
“No, but bikers tend to be full of hot air.”
“Ain’t blowin’ any hot air. You give me the okay to roughthat motherfucker up in a dark alley one night, gonna do that.”
“I’d prefer you avoid committing crimes on my behalf.”
“Just sayin’.”
“While I appreciate your dedication to being my personal Batman, I’m good, Rome. If you go to prison, don’t expect me to visit.”
“Wouldn’t even put any scratch on my books?”
He raised one eyebrow. “No conjugal visits?”
She shook her head. “Definitely not.”
“Not even a phone call?”
Using the universal hand sign for a phone, she placed it to her ear. “New phone, who dis?”
He almost spat out his mouthful of chili. Wasting any of it would be the true crime.
The woman had a sense of humor, was smart, could cook, was more than easy on the eyes, responsive as fuck in bed and knew the MC life…
She’d be perfect if he was looking for someone to wear his cut.
He wasn’t. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy some of those assets on the list.
Even though Smith didn’t fire her… “What happened after I left?”
“I was written up. Again.”
What the fuck?“For what?”
“Making a mess out on the floor. With both the peach,” she bugged out her eyes at him, “and you.”
“Wrote you up. That it?”
“He also docked my pay.”
He fucking did what? “Can he do that?”
“He can do whatever he wants since he owns the place.I’ve been told many times that if I don’t like the way he runs things, I can leave.”
Romeo agreed that she should leave. “You should.”
“Thanks for confirming where you stand,” she raised a finger and added, “on something that doesn’t concern you.”
With his jaw tight, he closed his eyes and pulled in a breath. He wasn’t backing off on this. But he realized in the future, he’d need to keep both his thoughts and actions about it secret.
“Not from the chili,” he muttered.