Page 10 of Romeo

He grabbed her chin and twisted her head towards him. “You just fuckin’ sigh at me?”

Without even a hesitation… “Sure did.”

He released her chin. “Go get me another whiskey. Double. Neat.”

“I know how you like your whiskey.”

“Then why the fuck ain’t there one in front of me?”

“What’s up your ass tonight?”

“My goddamn balls are blue.”

She shook her head, her level of annoyance now matching his. “Want me to take care of that for you?”

He considered her. The woman didn’t have a damn gag reflex, so, again, he was tempted. The only problem was, if he was still feeling this restless once he blew his load, he would be even crankier afterward.

What the fuck was wrong with him?

He used to be perfectly fucking fine with either some sweet butts or strange in his bed.

Since when did he get so goddamn picky?

Maybe it was time to straddle his sled, go for a long damn ride and let the wind clear his fucking head.

Chapter Two

It waslate but the night was absolutely beautiful, as well as peaceful. And peace was badly needed after the week she had.

Maddie sat at a picnic table under one of the parking lot lights and contemplated the fat burger she just unwrapped. Her mouth watered as she got a good grip on it and lifted it to her lips. A second later she shoved it into her mouth and took the biggest bite she could.

She closed her eyes and savored the juicy beef, the salty bacon, and the tangy slice of melted cheese, as well as the crunch of the crisp lettuce and the sweetness of the ripe tomato slice.


She deserved this meal tonight. This past week had been hell at work. She almost quit fifty times in the last five days alone. Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration. It was more like forty-seven and a half. But really, who was counting?

Her boss at Smith’s Sports Therapy & Rehab Center wasa dick and a cheap ass, so they were always understaffed. That meant her and her co-workers were run ragged.

It only got worse when high school sports were in full swing.

She had a variety of patients. Kids competing in school sports or on travel teams for their sport of choice. Teens hoping to get a college recruiter to notice them. College students hoping to get drafted by a professional sports team.

Marathon runners… Olympic swimmers… Tennis players…

The variety of athletes she worked with was endless.

She loved what she did, she just hated where she did it. She had to tell herself on the daily to stick it out and do her time so she could land the job she really wanted.

Her ultimate goal? Being a sports physical therapist for the Pittsburgh Steelers. And if she couldn’t land a position with the popular NFL team, she’d take a spot with the Pirates baseball team. Or the Penguins NHL team. Any of those professional teams located in her favorite city.

That was the whole reason she had moved down to this area. Plus, there wasn’t an overabundance of need for what she did up in Manning Grove.

The deep, throaty sound of straight exhaust pipes had her head automatically twisting in that direction. It was a familiar sound since, unofficially, she was a part of the Blood Fury MC.

Claimed, more like it. And only because her mother fell head over heels in love with a Fury member.

“Holy shit,” slipped from her lips as she recognized the biker getting off the Harley.