Those eyes held a bit of naughtiness. She was clearly playing with him. “Was right, then, yeah? You want what only Romeo can give you.”
Her soft smile got him in the fucking gut. “I wouldn’t say you’re the only one. My vibrator can give me a hell of an orgasm.”
“If it could do as good a job as me, your ass would be usin’ it right now. You’re not. You’re here. Can’t fuckin’ fool me.”
“Maybe I like a bit of variety.”
He pursed his lips as he stared down into her face. She was pulling his chain. “Definitely not your normal variety.”
She cocked one eyebrow. “Are you not?”
What was she indicating? “How many brothers you been with?”
“Brothers, as in bikers?”
“Not what I fuckin’ meant and you know it.”
She lifted and dropped one shoulder “Like you, I don’t talk about my past conquests.”
He sucked on his teeth. “Thought I was special.”
“Oh, you’re special. But our meaning of that word might be different.”
“Again, you got jokes.”
“I was being serious.” A huge grin spread across her face.
He shook his head, dug his fingers into her hips and pulled her even closer. Until her tits were smashed flat against him. Tonight, she wore a shirt with a deep V that showed off those tits perfectly.
He couldn’t wait to get his mouth on those nipples poking through her shirt. “Why you here, Maddie? For real.”
His eyes were drawn to her throat when she swallowed. Her teasing turned serious, and her eyes turned troubled.
Was it her fucking job again? “What’s the issue at work?”
She sighed out a, “Nothing.”
When she avoided his eyes, it was clear she was lying. Something with her job was really getting to her. Most likely her shitty boss. He wondered if the man was on a power trip.
He placed a thumb under her chin and tipped up her face, forcing her to look at him. “Bullshit.”
She twisted her head free and again avoided his eyes. “It’s mentally and physically exhausting, that’s all. Since we’re always shorthanded, we’re super busy but despite that, the days still feel like they drag on forever.”
That wasn’t it. She was still lying. Or at least downplaying whatever it was. “Quit and go somewhere else.”
She scowled. “I can’t just quit. My boss has a lot of connections. Connections I can’t sever if I ever want a job with a professional sports team. I’m just doing my time until that happens.”
“A job shouldn’t be like doin’ time in the fuckin’ joint.”
“You’re right, it shouldn’t. But like being stuck in prison, we don’t always have a choice.”
“Always got a choice.”
“You chose to do time?”
No onechoseto do time. “Chose to break the law. Ain’t stupid. Knew the consequences of gettin’ busted and did it anyway. Just like you chose to get a job there and you choose to stay.”