“Gonna make sure you’re done, too.”
“I’m okay with that, then.”
“Wasn’t askin’ your approval.”
She rolled her eyes and dug her heels into his thighs. “Well, you got it, anyway. Deal with it. Now fuck me like you mean it.”
He drove his fingers into her hair, dropped his head to pull her nipple into his mouth and he did what they both wanted… He moved.
With his knees drilled into the mattress, he began to power up and into her. He drove his dick home over and over.
He didn’t go slow. He wasn’t gentle. He didn’t treat her like she was delicate or breakable.
If she wanted fucked, she was gettingfucked. He would treat her like anyone else landing in his damn bed. She was no fucking different.
She wasnofucking different.
Her long, low moan had him lifting his eyes to meet hers since they were still open and focused on watching him suck on her tits.
Her flush had crept into her cheeks. Her eyes were unfocused. Through parted lips, she panted softly.
Fuck yeah, she liked it.
He pounded her a little harder to see if she could take it and continued to piston in and out of her like the machine he was. He slammed his dick so hard inside her, her whole body jerked from the impact.
She didn’t tell him to stop or slow down. Instead, she dug her fingernails deeper into his ass in encouragement.
This was totally different from the first time, when she was more tentative and inexperienced.
He was liking it, too.
But he also wasn’t.
How many times had she been fucked this hard? And by who?
He pushed that out of his head, reminding himself that this was only a one-time thing. She didn’t owe him shit and he owed her the same.
No strings. No chains. No goddamn cock cage.
Fuckin’-A right.
Chapter Seventeen
Maddie had not forgottenhis well-oiled hips. She was glad he hadn’t changed. This washeavenand she had zero regrets.
So far, anyway.
The harder he pumped in and out of her, the deeper she dug her nails into his ass. The muscles flexed powerfully beneath her fingertips.
Wrapping her legs tighter around him, she tilted her pelvis to make sure he hit all the right spots. Every thrust was accompanied by a deep grunt that fueled the fire in her belly.
Sucking her nipple farther into his mouth, his teeth scraped against the beaded tip, making her back arch and a whimper escape. Using both fists full of her hair, he tipped her head back and drew a damp path with his tongue from her breast to the hollow of her throat and beyond. His thick beard tickled both the underside of her jaw as well as the skin of her neck as he clamped those soft lips on her throat.
Letting her eyes slide shut, she lost herself in his smooth moves and in the sounds he made. She released one ass cheekand slid her hand up his spine, feeling his back muscles tighten and loosen as he fucked her.