“It’s not bad,” she teased. “On a scale of one to ten. I’d say you’re…”
He cocked an eyebrow.
“An eight,” she finished.
“You talkin’ about me or my dick?”
“You. Since your cock is attached.”
“Should be a ten.”
Her eyes flashed. “Nobody’s perfect.”
He snorted. “Gonna rate you next. Lemme see those fuckin’ tits.”
When she removed her arm, her bra fell to the floor.
Fuuuuuck. He could suffocate in her rack. Now that he thought about it, it actually wouldn’t be a bad way to die.
He held his breath as she pulled them down and stepped out of them once they dropped to her feet.
At least she didn’t shave her pussy bare. He hated that shit. He wasn’t into out-of-control bushes, but he also didn’t like scorched earth.
“Hair down.”
“So demanding.” He detected a shake in her voice.
When she reached behind her head, her tits pulled higher, and his eyes were drawn to the tightly puckered nipples. He couldn’t wait to get his mouth around them.
Once her long hair was free, it framed her face and fell like a curtain around her shoulders.
Holy fuck.The girl next door was gone, and a vixen replaced her.
“Think you lied about nobody bein’ perfect. You’re a goddamn ten, Maddie.”
“It’s my ratin’. Ain’t for you to say otherwise. Come to me.”
“Being the Knights’ president, you’re probably used to giving orders, aren’t you?”
“Somebody’s gotta keep those fuckers in line.”
“Well, I’m not one of thosefuckersand I thought it was Magnum’s job that kept everyone in line.”
That reminded Romeo that Magnum had kept the fact Maddie was living in the area from him. That still pissed him the fuck off.
He could’ve had what stood before him so much fuckingsooner.
Magnum was a goddamn cock-block.
Romeo tamped down his rising annoyance and concentrated on the woman in front of him. He held out his hand. “Told you to come here.”
With one side of her mouth pulled up, she took her time closing the gap between them. And he enjoyed watching every step she took.