Page 43 of Romeo

That meant, if she flipped him the bird, told him to go to hell, and stomped out, she’d be lucky if she got a job working with a local Little League team. He’d make sure she was blackballed in all of the Pittsburgh area.

Why did assholes have all the power? Most likely because they stepped on the “little people” as they worked their way to the top.

She fought the urge to peek around the column at the clock. If he caught an employee clock watching, he called them out on it. Loudly. Not caring if he embarrassed the person he was berating. Not caring if patients were in the room, including children.

Actually, Roger didn’t care about anyone but himself. The narcissist’s only other love was money. During the last year and a half, she had never once heard the man mention family or friends. Or even a pet.

She might complain and get annoyed sometimes with her MC family but at least she had people who loved her, looked out for her, and would come stand by her side if she called them.

It was pretty much a guarantee if one of Roger’s employees was behind the wheel of their vehicle and he tripped out in the parking lot and fell to the ground, he’d end up as a speed bump. Several times over.

“Since you have fifteen minutes before the end of your shift and you’re only holding up that post, why don’t you go clean the restroom.” It wasn’t a request but an order.

What an asshole.

She was a certified physical therapist, not a custodian. Cleaning toilets was not in her job description or in her future career plans. Did he fire the night custodians because he was such a cheap fucker?

Or did he insult the cleaning company’s workers enough, so they quit? She wouldn’t put it past him if he called them some sort of racist slurs.

The only good thing about working at Smith’s, despite the owner being a douchebag, was that it had a great reputation for helping athletes. But that had more to do with the caring physical therapists he employed, not Roger. It also meant they were always busy and that usually helped the day go faster.

Should she tell him no? If she did, would he be a total dick? Or would he fire her for insubordination? If he did, he could fight her getting unemployment compensation while she searched for a new job.

Then she wouldn’t have her rent or any money at all. If that happened, she’d have to move home. Eventually, she’d also get sick of hearing how she shouldn’t have moved awayin the first place. And how life was better in Manning Grove than anywhere else.

Sure it was. If you loved small town living. If you loved everyone being all up in your business. As well as having an opinion on everything you did with your life and not being afraid to share that opinion. Out loud.

And dating? It was slim pickings up there unless she wanted to be with a biker.

She did not.

At least long term.

Because after that kiss, that toe-curling reminder two days ago, one night with a biker able to keep his mouth shut might not be so bad.

Wearing a scowl, Roger barked, “Why are you still standing there?”

He always expected everyone to jump the second he ordered them to jump. He managed the business using fear and intimidation, then put on a fake front when dealing with his clients and vendors.

Someone needed to put Roger in his place. But until she had something better lined up, it wouldn’t be her.

“If you hustle, you can get the toilets scrubbed in the next twelve minutes, so get to it.”

“I didn’t spend years getting my graduate degree to clean toilets.” At least toilets anywhere other than in her apartment.

Roger leaned in closer and sneered, “I don’t pay you to not follow my orders. Do you think you’re too good to clean them?” He glanced at his watch. “Time is ticking, Mad. I don’t care how late you have to stay to get it done. When I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it.”

The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth from biting her tongueso hard.

She had a decision to make. Do what he demanded and keep her damn job or refuse and watch her career fall apart when he damaged her good reputation as a sports physical therapist.

Roger would no doubt lie to destroy her. Again, typical narcissist behavior.

Unfortunately, the decision shereallywanted to make—kneeing ol’ Roger in the balls—would get her arrested for assault. Instead, she would fantasize about doing that while she scrubbed the damn toilets.

She should’ve moved to another area with other professional sports teams and skipped Pittsburgh completely.

Too late.