Page 29 of Romeo

“That’ll get you a glass of tap water. Without ice.”

Romeo shook his head and gave the man his back again so he could concentrate on the woman playing pool.

Now that she was standing under a light, he noticed he was right about her hair being slightly darker. Nothing drastic but it didn’t seem as blonde as when he last saw her. It was now more of a reddish brown.

Either way, it was still long enough to fist a handful of it as he pumped in and out of her sweet lips.

Anyway, he didn’t give a fuck if her hair was neon purple, the woman was still fuckable. If her hair distracted him, he could turn off the lights. Or cover her head with a pillow. Or something.

The plunk of a bottle on the wood bar top behind him made him glance over his shoulder. “That water’s a weird fuckin’ color. Better have your plumbin’ checked.”

“Lucky we fuckin’ like you, brother. Otherwise, for five bucks I would’ve poured you a half a draft. You could take tiny fuckin’ sips all night to make it last.”

“Maybeyoushould be the fuckin’ comedian.” He turned back to watch Maddie work the pool table.

She was damn good. Much better than he would expect. He wondered who taught her how to play that well.

He eyed up her partner next.

Zeke Jamison.

Romeo wondered if the next in line to hold the DAMC gavel had managed to get down her pants yet. Knowing Little Z—a nickname the kid now hated—he most likely had worked her hard. Whether she fell for his game or not was another story.

Romeo knew LZ wasn’t even twenty-one yet. Was she into younger guys? Rome might be seven years older than her, but LZ was seven years younger.

Was she doing him?

He was damn sure Maddie would prefer a man over a boy.

He could definitely be that man for her. He only needed to get her away from Zeke and convince her Romeo was what she needed in her life.

For a night.

Maybe two.

Chapter Seven

“She why you’re here, Rome?”Coop asked.

Fuck.“I say that?”

“Makin’ it pretty obvious since you’re talkin’ to me while starin’ at her.”

“You ain’t as hot as her, Coop. If your ass and tits looked that fuckin’ good, I might stare at you, too.”

“With the lights off and your eyes closed, it wouldn’t be any different,” Coop joked. “And rumor has it that you ain’t picky, anyway. Any hole will do.”

“Got me fuckin’ confused with Nash since he swings both ways, so any holewilldo.”

“Nah. Nash ain’t doin’ anyone but Cross. He ain’t fuckin’ up that marriage.”

Romeo sucked on his teeth. “Not sure why anyone would wanna tie themselves down to one person for the rest of their fuckin’ life. Everyone knows variety is the spice of life.”

“You and I might agree with that, brother, but not everyone else does. You do know who she is, right?”

“Of fuckin’ course I know who she is.”

“She know you? Or you just bein’ a creepy motherfucker?”