Page 24 of Romeo

“Better not hear that shit come outta your mouth,” Romeo warned him. “I was unanimously voted in and keep get voted in. That’s gotta say somethin’.”

“Says nobody else wanted that fuckin’ spot. That’s what it says.”

Damn.What crawled up his ass tonight? “Cait got you in the doghouse or somethin’?”

Magnum scowled. “What the fuck you talkin’ ‘bout?”

“If not, you gotta have problem with me to be talkin’ shit like that.”

“Again, you’re puttin’ goddamn words in my mouth. Got no problem with you bein’ president, but gonna have a fuckin’ problem if you cause trouble with the other clubs. All over a piece of ass. The Knights are so much damn stronger havin’ the Angels and the Fury at our back. You get that, right?”

He did.

Magnum wasn’t finished. “Had that alliance in place long before you became a prospect and take my word for it, we don’t wanna lose the support of those fuckin’ clubs. Shit’s so much better now. Since the alliance ain’t a secret, other clubs don’t wanna fuck with us. What d’you think stopped the Deadly Demons from movin’ more north than they did?”

“The fact the Angels would’ve crushed them like a fuckin’ roach?”

“The Angels couldn’t’ve done it on their own.”

“They got the Shadows at their back,” Romeo reminded him. And that group of former military special operators wasn’t a crew to fuck with, despite them now leaning more toward the geriatric side.

He also considered Magnum’s age as the big man said, “They also got us. And the Fury. You don’t think that stops stupid fucks from testin’ their boundaries?”

Romeo couldn’t disagree with that fact, so he didn’t.

“Not sure why this whole thing with Maddie’s such a big fuckin’ deal to you…” Magnum shook his bald head. “No, I fuckin’ know. Don’t fuck with her, Rome. You do, you’ll be playin’ with fire. You fuckin’ with her can fuck up our alliance.”

“Or make it stronger.”

“You ain’t makin’ shit stronger. You’ll fuck her, then fuck her over. That’ll make her cry to her mommy and mommy’s gonna cry to her ol’ man. Shade’s either gonna get pissed and kill your dumb motherfuckin’ ass in your sleep or he’s gonna say somethin’ to Trip. And you know how fuckin’ short that man’s temper is. Ain’t gonna be good either way. Did my job as the goddamn enforcer of this club and made a decision to protect, not only my president and our fuckin’ club, but our alliance. You don’t like that fuckin’ decision, too fuckin’ bad.”

Damn.“I might not’ve been part of this club when you met your ol’ lady, but from what I heard, you were warned off her ‘cause she belonged to the Angels. Am I right?” When Magnum didn’t answer, Romeo continued, “Not only did you take her for yourself, but it also made the bond between the Angels and our club even stronger. You can’t fuckin’ say it didn’t.”

“Didn’t fuck her over, Rome. Fuckin’ married her and gave her babies. That’s the goddamn difference.”

“Who says I’m gonna fuck over Maddie?”

With another grunt, Magnum shook his head again and continued through the busy Dirty Dick’s kitchen and to the back corner of the building where the steps to the basement were located. They were heading downstairs for an executive meeting.

“Got all the free fuckin’ pussy who’ll do whatever the fuck you want and here you got a hard-on over one you shouldn’t even be lookin’ at.”

Nothing wrong with wanting a taste of forbidden fruit. Even though he already had a taste. After running into her, he realized he was hungry for more. “You didn’t have a problem when I was eyein’ up Aaliyah.”

Magnum’s oldest daughter was hot as fuck, despite being a few years older than Romeo. Even better, she had plenty of scratch. The woman busted her ass and was rolling in the dough.

After yanking open the door to the basement, Magnum glanced over his broad shoulder at him with his eyes narrowed. “Truth is, knew my girl wasn’t gonna ever give you the time of fuckin’ day. She’s too good for your fuckin’ ass.”

“But not too good for a pig.”

He just brought up a sore subject since his daughter was once again married to a damn badge, just like her first husband. She also gave the newest one a kid, too.

“Think I like that shit? Only tolerate it ‘cause he makes my girl happy and takes care of her. He’s also a damn good father to my latest grandbaby and my grandsons.”

“He’s a wannabe.” Aaliyah’s pig husband was a member of what Romeo considered a “pretend” MC, the Blue Avengers.

“Pretend” because it was full of law enforcement members, and they didn’t live the life. And that was what being a true biker was… a lifestyle. The Knights’ lives revolved around their MC; the Blue Avengers’ lives revolved around their badge.

“I woulda been loyal to her.” At least he would’ve tried. Whether he was successful or not was another story.