Page 180 of Romeo

“Warn a brother, will you?” Romeo yelled. “Jesus, don’t wanna fuck up this pretty face.”

Shade turned to look at him. “Get out.”


“Get out, go hide on the side of the road and when the asshole stops, jump in and we’ll drive somewhere more isolated.”

“Then what?”

“No time for fuckin’ questions. Headlights are headin’ this way.”

Romeo glanced down the road and saw a glow in the distance.Fuck.

In a flash, he pulled on his leather gloves, kickedopen the van door, jumped out and hid behind a tree that never would’ve hidden his ass in the daytime. Thank fuck he blended in with the dark night.

With his pulse racing, he peered around the slim tree trunk and tracked the oncoming vehicle. He sure as fuck hoped that Shade picked the right cross-street, and this wasn’t some random driver approaching.

Once the vehicle came over a small rise, the Porsche came to an abrupt halt, despite not having a stop sign. The vehicle remained there for a few seconds before Smith laid on the horn, rolled down his window and began to curse at Shade. “Get that hunk of junk off the roadway!”

Time to move. Romeo needed to get in that vehicle before Smith put his douche-mobile in reverse and found an alternative route.

As soon as Smith ducked his head back into his cage, Romeo jerked open the passenger door and jumped in. “Drive.”

“What the hell? You! You can’t be serious! Get the fuck out of my car!” As Smith reached for his cell phone in the center console, Romeo grabbed it first and slipped it into his back pocket.

While he was back there, he pulled his gun out of the holster tucked in his waistband at the small of his back. He wasted no time pressing the end of the barrel into Smith’s temple to show the asshole just how fucking serious he was.

Smith raised both hands in surrender, pleading, “Don’t shoot me.”

Proof the narcissist was nothing but a pussy under the surface. Being related to the Russos didn’t change that fact.

“Fuckin’ drive!” Romeo shouted and jammed the business end of the barrel harder into the side of his head, makingSmith flinch. “Now, or I’ll splatter your fuckin’ brains all over this piece of shit.”

He was tempted. So fucking tempted.

Shooting the motherfucker would be the simplest way to deal with Smith but too fucking messy. Not only would Romeo be covered in Smith’s DNA, he’d have to worry about gunshot residue.

It would be too risky to take him out like that. But that didn’t mean his finger didn’t caress the trigger as that fantasy played out.

“Drive!” he shouted again.

“Didn’t you learn your lesson the first damn time?”

What a cocky bastard. “You admit you sent your goons after me.”

“And I’ll do it again.”

“Doubt that,” Romeo grumbled.

“You don’t know who you’re messing with.”

Fuck this asshole.“Pretty sure I do. Know your real last name ain’t Smith. Know who you’re connected to.”

“Then you have some balls to do this.”

“My balls are pretty fucking nice, if I gotta say so. Now quit flappin’ your veneers and drive.”

“And if I don’t?”