She held her breath, waiting.
She released it in relief.
He might not have said the actual words, but he didn’t need to. Because she felt it instead, enveloping her like a warm hug. She didn’t want to let that feeling go.
How did her life take such a crazy turn?
Oh… She knew.
It was all due to the man in her passenger seat.
The one she kissed long and hard.
The one who whispered promises against her lips of all the things he’d do to her, all the things she had missed, once his casts were removed.
She couldn’t wait.
After their talkin the tobacco field, she drove him back to the motel in Parsington. Once he grabbed his stuff with her help, he sent Booger on his way, and they headed back to Manning Grove to a much better motel.
The Fury-owned Grove Inn.
She told him there was no way she was sharing a room with roaches since they still had a lot to discuss and settle between them before any major decisions could be made.
She helped him undress and get into bed. Once he was comfortable, she joined him only wearing her bra and panties.
Even though they had a lot to figure out and a future to plan, she ended up distracted since the casts, his tattoos and a snug pair of boxer briefs were all the man wore.
She’d be much happier if he wasn’t stuck in casts. Or had broken ribs.
So would he.
But then, they wouldn’t be doing much talking at all.
She curled around him, being cognizant of his ribs as he slowly combed his fingers through her loose hair.
Using a fingertip, she slowly traced his many tattoos as well as the lines of his muscles. When she was done exploring, she stroked the back of her fingers down his beard. Brushing her thumb over his slightly parted lips next, his warm breath drifted over the pad of her thumb.
He snagged her hand to stop her. “Makin’ me hard.”
With a lift of her head, she saw he wasn’t lying. “Well, it’s proof that’s not broken.”
“That breaks, just shoot me.”
“I don’t think a broken penis warrants euthanasia.”
“The fuck it don’t. Would be a humane way to put me out of my misery.”
“Sex isn’t everything.”
“Speak for yourself. ‘Cause, for me, bein’ inside you is.”
She hid her grin against his warm, dark skin. When she could finally control it, she said, “Never expected you to be such a romantic.”
“Surprises the fuck outta me, too.”
She rolled her eyes. “I know how to get rid of that hard-on.”