Page 172 of Romeo


“Didn’t sound like it to me. Look, I get it. You’re afraid of losing your freedom. Guess what, Rome? You missed the point about you not being the only one this would affect. I’m involved in this, too.” Now she was about to dish some hard truth. “Here’s the bottom line… I won’t be with a man who doesn’t love me. One who doesn’t respect my decisions. I want a partner in love and life, not a damn dictator.”

His volume cranked up a notch. “You sayin’ I put up with all that goddamn bullshit for nothin’?”

“Did they make you sweat?” she asked calmly.

“Not up there.”

Not up there.That was a strange answer. One that made the fine hairs on the back of her neck rise.

“Then where?” When he didn’t answer, she prodded, “Where, Rome? Did Shade do something? Tell me the truth. Are you being forced in some way?”

“God-fuckin’-damnit,” he muttered under his breathbefore saying more loudly, “No, woman. Ain’t bein’ forced to do shit.” He closed his eyes, visibly pulled in a breath, and when he reopened them, they met hers. His intense gaze never wavered when he went on with, “Came to Manning Grove willingly. Asked you to wear my cut willingly. Went upstairs willingly. If I didn’t want you bein’ my ol’ lady, never woulda came up here at all. Woulda been happy you skipped town without a fuckin’ word. We coulda went our separate ways and none of them woulda known anythin’ happened between us. Both of us coulda moved on and lived our damn lives. But here I am…”

“Wow. I’m finding you very hard to resist when that was one of the most romantic speeches I ever heard.”

Romeo sucked his teeth.

“Tell me.Whydo you want me to be your ol’ lady, Rome? I haven’t heard a good argument for that yet.”

“Ain’t obvious?”

“Honestly, no.”

He scraped fingers down his bearded jaw. “Maybe ‘cause this is all fuckin’ new to me, Maddie. Not sure how to act. Not sure what to do. Not sure even what to fuckin’ say. Already pissed you the fuck off when I had words with your asshole boss. Tryin’ not to step in shit again.”

“The answer doesn’t have to be complicated.”

“Not complicated? Sure fuckin’ feels like it to me.”

“You mean, figuring out what to say to me?”

“No, this… relationship shit. It’s worse when you’re makin’ it pretty damn clear you don’t feel the same ‘bout me.”

Her head jerked back. “What? How do you know how I feel?”

“Guessin’, ‘cause you ain’t said shit.”

Her eyebrows rose. “Have you asked?”

He pressed his lips together so tightly they became a slash.

She sighed. “Yes, I was pissed at you, Rome. But deep down if I didn’t feel anything for you, we both wouldn’t be sitting here right now having this discussion. No one—and I meanno one—could railroad either of us into doing something we don’t want to do. Do you agree?”

“You kept mentionin’ me bein’ forced.”

“Because this is my future we’re talking about. Yours, too. I want to be sure this is what you want.”

“But you’re sure now.” Funny how he didn’t form that as a question.

She laughed softly. “Look, this whole… situation has been confusing. For me as well as you. All I know is, despite me being hurt and angry at you, I still missed you.” Surprisingly enough, it was a load off her shoulders to reveal that.

“You ran off.”

“My heart ached for you,” she admitted next.

“You blocked my goddamn number.”