Page 161 of Romeo

“To fuck up that motherfu?—”

“To fuck her.”

Son of a fuckin’ bitch.“This shit ain’t got nothin’ to do with you, Easy. Stay the fuck outta it.”

Easy smiled. “Those are some strong fuckin’ words for a broken man.”

“Untie me and we’ll see how fuckin’ broken I am.”

“Enough,” Shade quietly interjected.

Romeo pulled in a breath to cool off his temper. Easy was right. He was in no fucking condition to threaten anyone. Not only was he injured and wearing casts, but he was tied down.

He needed to keep his head.

“Need you to know you ain’t my choice for her,” Shade said next.

“Gettin’ that.”

What sucked was, Romeo still had no idea how much Shade knew. He didn’t want to dig because that could raise red flags. And his Black ass was still parked in front of a human-sized oven.

Now was not the best time to talk about Maddie’s sex life and how he was involved.

“Seems as if what I want for her is different than what she wants,” Shade continued.

Hold up. What the fuck did she want?

“But that don’t mean I can’t tell you what I want anyway…”

Oh fuck.

Romeo needed off this goddamn rollercoaster. They either needed to kill him or?—

“You to be true to Maddie. Meaning… No side pieces, no sweet butts, no nothin’. I hear you stepped out on her…”

“Ain’t gonna do that.”

“Havin’ a hard time believin’ that with your history.”

“She changed me.”Holy fuck.Was that true? “For the better,” he quickly added. “Want her to wear my cut.”

“She said,” came Easy’s unwelcomed response.

Christ, now he couldn’t back out. Was he going to be stuck with one woman for the rest of his fucking life?

And if he fucked up, he’d get incinerated?

That sounded worse than life in prison.

Was the sweat gathering on his forehead from him having a fucking panic attack because his life as he knew it would be over and not because of facing death?

If it was anyone other than Maddie…

He closed his eyes and tried to slow his racing heart.

But itwasMaddie.

He wasn’t being forced into taking an ol’ lady.