Page 144 of Romeo

“After you got her ass fired? Where d’you think?”

“If I fuckin’ knew, wouldn’t be callin’ your ass. She get a better apartment?”

“Without a damn job, she couldn’t fuckin’ afford that apartment she already had. She had no fuckin’ choice but to move out, Rome. You should be the one payin’ her landlord for the broken lease, not her.”

“Know she moved, but where’d she go? Someone from the Angels take her in? Or did she move back north?”

“Gonna take a wild guess here… If she wanted you to know where the fuck she went, she woulda fuckin’ told you.”

Romeo wanted to shove one of his casts up LZ’s ass. The brat had no respect for his elders. “You’ll never be as good a prez as your pop.”

“Could be half as good as him and still be a thousand fuckin’ times better at it than you.”

Romeo stabbed the phone with his finger to end the call and closed his eyes, waiting until the ragesimmered down. When it did, he tried Maddie again. As expected, it went directly to voicemail.

“Saw you moved. Lemme know you’re okay. Just a text or somethin’.” He hung up.

He was batting a goddamn thousand here. He tapped his cell phone against his forehead as he considered his next step.

Getting hold of Trip was out. Talking to Shade was definitely out. He went through a mental list of members in the Fury he could contact without ratting his ass out.

It hit him, then. Someone who might help.


Black bikers had to stick together, right? And Castle would know if Maddie moved home. He also wouldn’t be a damn snitch.

Did Romeo even have Castle’s digits?

He scrolled through his contact list. He had a lot of numbers for a lot of bikers in the alliance, but Castle’s wasn’t one of them. He needed to fix that.

He wracked his brain on who might have Castle’s number. Maybe Cisco. Those two seemed to be tight every time the clubs got together.

He quickly texted the Knights’ road captain.U got Castle’s number?

Twenty minutes later, the only text he got was the ten digits he needed. Twenty minutes and thirty seconds later, he called the only Black Blood Fury member.

At twenty-one minutes, he had his answer.

In one way, he was relieved, in another he wasn’t because now he had to figure out a way to get his broken ass up to Manning Grove and keep it on the down-low.

Chapter Thirty-Five

Maddie receiveda text from a number she didn’t recognize:Got a job 4 u 2day if u need scratch.

While she could certainly use the money, she had no idea who was texting her. Most likely it was some scammer.

Who’s this?she asked, thinking she’d never get a response back if it was.

Sig. New phone. Lost old one.

Since when did people get a different phone number when they bought a new phone? That was so 90s.

But she had to remember that these were bikers and some, if not most, didn’t give a shit about the latest technology. They also didn’t care about transferring phone numbers. They could just as easily send out a mass text with their new number. Maddie was confident she wasn’t on that Fury list.

Sig probably needed her to watch the kids. They had rescued Autumn’s three young half-siblings from a cult and taken them in to raise as their own.

Since coming home, Maddie sent out countless resumes without a lot of positive response back. It probably didn’thelp that she didn’t have a good reference when it came to Roger Smith. While she waited to score an interview from at least one, the Fury members and their ol’ ladies had been tossing odd jobs her way to keep her busy and put a little cash in her pocket.