“Then what?”
“Don’t know yet. Gonna have to think about it.”
“Can’t just let this go unanswered,” Romeo reminded him.
“Don’t need you tellin’ me how to do what I fuckin’ do.”
“Just sayin’… We could handle him separately. Some random shit could happen to him. An accident or somethin’,” Romeo suggested.
“Said I’m gonna think about it. Whatever we do, we gotta make sure it ain’t tied to us.”
“But we’re gonna do something, right?”
“They attacked our prez. Of fuckin’ course we are. Like you said, that can’t go unanswered. You attack one, you attack us all.”
“Good to see you back to bein’ loyal.”
“Never wasn’t. The Knights might not be blood but they sure as fuck are family.” The last thing Magnum said as he walked out the door was, “Even you, asshole.”
Chapter Thirty-Four
It tooktwo more days before he was freed from the hospital hell where he’d been imprisoned.
Two more damn days before he could try to make amends with Maddie. Even using his replacement phone, she wouldn’t respond to his calls or texts. Since she wouldn’t, he planned on facing her in person.
Now that he knew her former boss used a commonly used last name to conceal his ties to the Russos, he was worried about her.
Since he was still stuck in casts, and would be for a few weeks yet, he couldn’t ride his sled over to her apartment. Instead, he was having a prospect drive him around in a cage and basically be his bitch.
Booger waited down in the lot while Romeo slowly hauled his injured ass up the steps to her apartment using only a single crutch due to his broken arm. Luckily, his broken arm and leg were on the opposite sides of his body, otherwise Booger might be pushing him around in awheelchair. And carrying him up the stairs like a new bride since there wasn’t an elevator.
Propping the crutch under his arm, he leaned back against Maddie’s door since he was so damn out of breath after maneuvering the flight of steps to the second floor.
At least he didn’t tumble the fuck back down. That would’ve sucked and most likely landed him back in the hospital again.
Once he didn’t feel like he was about to die, he knocked on the door behind him and put his weight on his good leg so when she opened the door, he wouldn’t fall backwards and end up on his ass at her feet.
He was a goddamn mess.
With a groan, he turned around and knocked again. This time a little louder and yelled out a, “Maddie! Open the fucking door!” Fuck bothering her neighbors.
Again, he heard nothing. Not her voice. No footsteps. Not even a “fuck off.”
Did she find another job already and was currently at work?
He was such a dumbass. He should’ve made sure her cage was down in the lot before taking on the fucking chore of climbing a flight of steps.
Yeah, he was a goddamn mess.
The turn of a lock raised his hopes until he realized it wasn’t the door in front of him, but the one behind.
A blond man, maybe in his thirties, stepped out into the hallway. “If you’re looking for the girl who lived here, she moved out.”
She did what?Maybe she got a better job with a better salary and decided to upgrade her apartment.
Maybe he was also lying to himself. “When?”
The man shrugged. “About a week ago, maybe? Sorry, I forgot to mark it on my calendar.”