“Wick,” Romeo growled, then quickly regretted it. Coughing was not good for broken ribs. Not one, not two, but a whole rack of them. “You recognize any of ‘em?”
“No and didn’t see a fuckin’ cut in sight. If it was the Fury, they’d be representin’ to let you know it was them and make sure you know why they’re visitin’.”
The man was right. If it was that MC, they’d make sureRomeo knew they were delivering that message. “Wanna hear the details.”
“Not much to tell. Stepped outside to throw shit in the dumpster and have a fuckin’ smoke. Saw you on the ground rollin’ around. One fucker was beatin’ you with some metal thing, the other two were kickin’ the shit outta you.”
How could there only be three of them? At the time, it felt like a dozen. “They stopped when they saw you?”
“Fuck no. They didn’t fuckin’ scatter ’til I took a coupla shots at ‘em.”
Romeo must’ve been knocked out by then to miss that. “You hit any of ‘em?”
“Not sure since it was fuckin’ too dark to see. Don’t think this was random, right?”
“Could be.” But Romeo doubted it.
“If it ain’t, they know where you live.”
No shit.“Or they think I was hangin’ at Dick’s.” That was a long shot.
“Either way, Magnum’s on it.”
Just fuckin’ great.
If the attack had anything to do with Maddie, he’d never hear the end of it from his sergeant at arms. The man told him to leave Maddie alone. Romeo ignored that warning and now look where he landed.
In a fucking hospital bed.
Along with Maddie being unemployed. As well as pissed at him.
He closed his eyes and breathed. Carefully.
He needed to make shit right with her.
While he hated to admit that Magnum had been right, Romeo should’ve told her no like he said. He also should’ve told himself no, instead of being so goddamn selfish.
But he didn’t and here he was.
Bottom line… he fucked up.
“Just so you know, Sully was on stand-by.”
Wick’s words had his eyes flashing open. “For what?”
“Last rites, I guess.”
“Fuckin’ Sully. Don’t he know I’m too fuckin’ stubborn to die?”
Wick snorted. “Pretty sure I heard one of the nurses sayin’ it was touch and go for a while, too.”
“Well, everyone was wrong, weren’t they?”
“It was close, Rome. Good thing I stepped out back when I did. If I hadn’t…”
True, but it would’ve been even better if he’d went out back sooner. “Yeah.”
“You’re fuckin’ welcome.”